1.3: WITCH

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One of the things Vera Prince had come to adore about her vampire side was that no matter how hard she cried, no matter how raw her cheeks would come with her furious swiping at the tears, no matter how red and puffy her eyes would get, no matter how coarse her throat would get from the sobs that escaped it she never looked or sounded like she had cried, everything healed itself within a matter of minutes.

After she had gathered herself, she and her father went down to find Carlisle. While they made their way through the crowd the whispers did not go unnoticed by them.

"Who is that?"

"New girl's boyfriend?"

"Looks more like father or maybe brother"

"Must be related to the Cullens-too beautiful not to be."

She couldn't help but roll her eyes. High schoolers. She thought with blatant distaste.

"Alice, what did you see?" She heard the one and only Isabella Swan say.

With a quick glance up to her father they both walked towards the sound of the human.

"The decision has been made" The short pixie one, Alice said, her voice like church bells

"Hey! What damn decision?" A male voice demanded to know. She looked over to see a tall, extremely built russet skinned boy who had his arm against the wall, blocking both Alice and Bella from leaving the staircase. There was also two other, smaller, guys who stood behind him, still seriously built though.

In a flash a blonde vampire was standing beside the man, glowering.

Vera decided now would be a good time to make her presence known.

"Hey, what's going on guys?" She asked feigning innocence, she knew the tension between vampires and werewolves when she saw it.

"Vera." Bella said, relieved that someone had come to ease the building testosterone in the room.

"You know her?" Alice asked looking over to the human.

"Uh, yeah she's in my biology class." Bella said, suddenly a little embarrassed.

"Who cares what dull-witted class she's in she doesn't belong in the conversation." The russet skinned werewolf sneered.

"Hey watch your tongue dog." Her father growled

"Wait a minute who are-" the blonde wavy headed vampire started asking before Carlisle came.

"Guys. Perhaps we should take this upstairs, there's still a party going on." The Cullen's patriarchy suggested from the top of the stairs.

With a grumble of agreement from all of them, they headed upstairs.

"Alice. What did you see?" Carlisle asked keeping the conversation from steering into a fight.

"The decision was made; we don't need to go to Seattle, they're coming here." Nervousness tainted every word that Alice let out and it made Vera wonder what was coming.
"What're they after?" Bella asked

"They were passing around your scent." Alice replied

"They're going to tear through the town looking for Bella, and there aren't enough of us to protect everyone." The long wavy haired vampire said. He stood next to Alice now, his arm around her waist.

"Wait who's coming?" Vera asked, feeling out of the loop

"An army of newborn vampires." Carlisle responded

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