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"So you see Aro, no law has been broken." Carlisle said again, desperately through his fear now that they had lost the advantage they had with the trio by their side.

"Agreed, but does it then follow that there is no danger?" Aro spoke theatrically "For the first time in our history, humans pose a threat to our kind. Their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us." He glanced back at Renessmee making it clear that she was the weapon he spoke of.

"And what of Vera?" Edward asked as he glanced at the other half breed from across the field that wore an emotionless expression. He felt bad for placing eyes and blame on her but he needed to protect his daughter. "Is she not the same as Renessmee? You claim that you are fair but your rulings say otherwise."

"She has been alive even longer than your sister, Rosalie? Is it? Her existence has never posed a threat upon us in all the years I doubt it will now. Mainting our secret has never been more imperative. In such perilous times only the known in safe. Only the known is tolerable and we know nothing, of what this child will become. Can we live with such uncertainty? Spare ourselves a fight today only to die tomorrow." Aro stated, refusing to alter his course now that he had the witch twins back.

"Our course will not be altered. The decision is made." Caius stated "The child poses too grave a-"

Across the field Vera could hear Seth's whine, loud and clear.

"You're my best friend." Rang in her ears over and over, but it wasn't enough for her loyalty to Aro to waver.

But then she thought of her father, and how like Edward, he had spent his entire life protecting his daughter. It hadn't been clear to her before but the reason her dad had kept them far away from Italy at all times was becoming less and less opaque.

"I love you, remember who you are." Her dad's voice twinkled in her ear. He had whispered that sentence to her before she had left him that day to protect Bella with Edward on that snowy hill. He would be so disappointed if he saw how his daughter was standing against Carlisle and his coven right now. Those words were the last thing she had heard him say, and that alone was enough to pull her out of the trance Chelsea had put her in, for any love she had towards the Volturi would never overshadow the love she had for her father.

"Wait." She called out from behind Alec. She released the hand she had been clinging on to and made her way to stand in front of Aro. "If you kill the child then you kill me."

There was a collective gasp from both sides. "No!" Alec's voice was heard loud and clear.

"Vera Prince. What do you think you are doing?" Caius hissed

"She is exactly like me. The ruling you have made today is unlawful and discriminatory. I will not allow for an unfair decision to be made, we are the law and the law allows for certain mercies. You either allow us both to live or you kill me along with her. And trust me, if you don't want to Jacob will have no problem doing so." She turned around to the russet werewolf and widened her eyes, asking for a reaction. Jacob, who had seen her expression began growling ferociously, backing up Vera's statement.

The Volturi was stuck in an impasse. Aro couldn't kill Vera for a multitude of reasons. The first being was that, while under control, she had been a great asset and guard for the Volturi- her gift allowing such honors. The second, and more looming reason was that if he did, no amount of Chelsea's power would stop Alec from going on a rampage and killing every single guard and tearing down everything the Volturi had built and turning it to ash.

"That won't be necessary." A voice like bells called out from the clearing.

"Alice." Edward murmured

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