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"My poor shoes" is all vera could think about as she walked through mud with her father and the Cullens to the clearing where they agreed to meet the wolves at. She had been introduced to their entire family now: Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Edward, Carlisle, and Bella. Out of  them all she liked Bella the best and Esme was a close second, they were both more on the timid side and were the most welcoming to her. Emmett was also nice; he was like a teddy bear it was endearing.

"Hey Bella, you're training too?" Vera joked

"Don't give her any ideas." Edward groaned beside his human

"They're about to be here." Carlisle said looking at his family

"Where?" Bella asked, I looked at where she was looking, there were clearly ten people walking towards them, could she not see?

"They're about a mile out." Edward whispered to her

"They're coming human." Vera observed, she would have expected them to come as wolves honestly

"Easier to communicate that way." Edward said

"Sam, welcome." Carlisle said to the big bulky one int he middle, he must be their alpha, oh, Vera had thought that position would have been given to Jacob Black with his heritage, guess not.

"Carlisle." Sam nodded, his voice was deep, firm commanding respect

"The newborn army is coming, they will be here in four days coming across the mountains, Alice will help us intercept them, making sure they don't reach the town. As of now their numbers stand at twenty, making this an even fight. Now my son, Jasper." He said looking back and pointing at him "Has experience dealing with Newborns, he'll teach us how to win against them."

"Do they differ from you?" Sam asked

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because they're own human blood lingers in their tissues. Now they're exponentially stronger but they're also untrained, going completely off their instincts and with Bella's scent they'll be in a frenzy which gives us the upper hand." Carlisle explained

"Thank you, now if you don't mind we're just here to observe we won't be fighting." Sam said taking a step back to allow Jasper to take a step forward.

"As Carlisle said, their strength is all they have going for them and they rely on brute force. The other thing is with their newfound strength, going from a puny human to an immortal will make them overly arrogant and in the end that will be the cause of their destruction. The two most important things to remember is first never let them get their arms around you; they'll crush you instantly. Second, never go for the obvious kill; they'll be expecting that and you will lose."


"I'll try not to break you." Emmett smirked playfully as he walked up to face the confederate soldier

Emmett ran forward, reaching out to throw Jasper who moved instantly, dodging his attack. Emmett was big and burly and seemed less graceful than Jasper, who was smaller and more nimble. It seemed as if Emmett was finally gaining the upper hand when in one rapid, agile move Jasper had Emmett pinned.

"And that's what I mean with the arrogance." Jasper said, making an example out of Emmett.

"My turn." Vera called. Her father had given her a little bit of training with 1v1 back in 1983 and she was curious as to how she would hold out against Jasper.

She walked up, facing Jasper who was in a crouched stance preparing for her attack. She knew he was likely expecting her to go straight for his throat, so she did the opposite, determined to hold out longer than Emmett. She ran full speed towards him, and instead of jumping on top of him, and going for brute force as Emmett did she slide under him, grabbing ahold of his ankles and yanking him down. He hit the floor with a thud, but he didn't let that stop him, he was on his knees quickly, with his hand on the floor an instinctive snarl ripped through his throat as he tackled Vera onto the ground, they rolled around punching, and dodging each others attacks before she noticed a boy, he seemed substantially younger than the other wolves, a mere child, she wondered what he was doing in the middle of so much danger and that moment of diverted attention allowed Jasper to get her and hold her in an inescapable headlock.

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