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"Well that's not good." Vera said, crossing her arms.

She and Alec stood in the corner of his room looking at his bed, or what used to be his bed. It was broken down the center and the headboard had a hole in it from where Alec had slammed his hand into it. There were feathers everywhere as Vera had bitten into a pillow to keep from screaming and alerting everyone in the castle. His dresser also had a dent in it from when they had decided to do it on there once the bed had broken and Vera's hand had squeezed the sides of it too hard. In fact the only thing in Alec's room not currently broken or ripped to shreds was his comforter.

"You don't say." Alec said laughing

"What're we going to do now?" She whined

"I'll have Meredith, our current receptionist, order me a new bed and dresser." He shrugged "In the meantime, we can spend time in your room."

"Ugh but I don't have a bed." She rolled her eyes, having been told it would take a week for it to arrive and for them to set it up.

"You have a couch, no?" He said

"It's not the same." She groaned as she picked up his comforter, she quite liked it, it was thick and luxurious the material felt nice on her skin. "Let's go."

Together they walked down the hallway to her room. Once they reached it she threw the comforter on her couch.

"Oh damn." She said looking outside her window, it was dark already. "We spent the whole day in bed." She laughed

"Yes, it appears we did." He chuckled "Would you like to do something tonight?"

"I don't know, are we allowed out of the castle? I've never been in Italy before." She asked, hoping that they were and that she could see some of the country she now lived in.

"We're not prisoners Vera." He laughed

"Get dressed, I'll meet you outside the south wing." He kissed the side of her head before leaving to change as well.

Looking through her closet she decided on a light almond colored ruffled, off the shoulder Alexander Mcqueen paneled mini dress. She wore the white lace up shoes that she had wore when she came here. Then she went to go meet Alec outside. He was already there, waiting for her. He wore a white button up tucked into black Valentino jeans.

"Good choice." He said when he saw her choice of clothing, putting his hand out, an offer for her.

"Thanks." She smiled, putting her hand in his, lacing their fingers together they sped off.

They stopped running once they reached Florence. Alec reached down and grabbed a bouquet of flowers that were obviously meant to be sold, but were left out in the middle of the night-just begging to be robbed. Regardless he threw 20 euro in its place. He handed them to his mate, who laughed at his gesture, his eyes were wide and he looked incredibly innocent as he held the bouquet of flowers.

Smelling the flowers she looked around at the city. It was incredibly quiet at night, peaceful.

"Lets sneak into the Palazzo Vecchio, there's so much history there, I want to show it to you." He said, suddenly excited

"Okay." She smiled as she grabbed his hand

"How are we going to get in?" She asked once they reached the entrance

"There's a trap door on the roof, come on." He said and together they jumped onto the roof

"Holy shit." She giggled, they were standing on the roof of the Palazzo Vecchio, the main symbol of power in Florence, Italy. She felt more alive than she had in awhile, holding his hand and looking at the city from 94 meters in the air.

He pulled her towards the trap door, opening it, they jumped in one at a time.

"Oh, wow." She said, marveling at the statues and paintings in the room. She walked towards a painting depicting a naked women standing against a rock with a man in full battle armor fixing her hair. There were also other naked men and women in the background and foreground of the painting.

"That's Hermes and Andromeda, painted by Giorgio Vasari in 1570. The greek culture is a huge thing here in Italy, nearly every painting or statue has a connection to greek mythology." Alec explained the painting to her

"I've always felt bad for Andromeda, a sacrifice to repay her mother's foolish words, forced to marry the half god Perseus who saved her from the chained rock." Vera said, wondering why is was Hermes in the picture with her when he was in none of the myths that mentioned her

"Queen Cassiopeia, yes, angering the gods; such a mortal thing to do." His eyes wandered the dark museum. He looked up at the ceiling art of King Solomon and Queen Sheba; he disliked the two of them greatly, wealth had made them annoyingly arrogant.

"Alec." Vera called, she was by the staircase, indicating that she wanted to go down to the first floor.

"This is huge." She said in wonder, her eyes traveled across the painted ceilings and walls.

"It's the largest room in Florence. It's called Salone dei Cinquecento, the hall of 500. There are a lot of secret passage ways connected to this room. They were built when the Ducal family of Cosimo De Medici resided here, allowing them to get to each of the rooms without being seen." He looked around, wondering what it would be like to live in such a place.

"Why would they need secret passage ways?" She asked

"I'm not sure, I assume it's out of paranoia. The Starway of the Duke of Athens was so he could escape to and from his apartment, probably a lot faster than walking around to it. However other than that I don't really know the reasoning for the passageways and I bet historians get a migraine trying to figure it out too." He replied

"Are there any other places we could sneak into?" She turned to him with a gleam in her eyes

"Any interest in the Duomo Di Firenze?" He asked with a similar gleam

"The Florence Cathedral?" She grinned, she had seen pictures it seemed beautiful

"Yes." He held out his hand

"Lets go." She grabbed his hand

"Wait you can't, it's a monument." She whisper screamed when Alec went to break the lock in a window

"It's fine" He grinned before breaking the lock.

"We just destroyed an ancient landmark." She gasped

" I was there when it was being built, it's hardly ancient." He rolled his eyes playfully at her dramatics

"Hardly ancient to you because you're ancient." She grumbled

He let out a light hearted laugh as he jumped through the window. "Coming or not?" He called from within. She jumped in after him into the dimmly lit cathedral.

"Holy shit wow." Vera said looking at the dome shaped ceiling covered in paintings. She could tell it would be even prettier if the sun were shining on it.

"Can you imagine this used to be the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Florence? Now it's just another tourist attraction." He said running his hands down the stone pillar

"If I were human I would definitely want to see this before I died." She said

"You see this?" He said pointing to two thumb prints in the concrete pillar

"Are those yours?" She asked incredulous

"Yup, mine and Jane's we snuck in at midnight while it was under construction and left them." He grinned as if proud of their decision

"What is it with you and vandalizing historical monuments?" She chuckled

"I have a knack for making my existence known." He laced his arm around her waist. For the first time in his long life he felt content, standing in the empty Florence Cathedral with his mate, he wondered how he had done nearly a millennium with her by his side.

"Well, I'm very aware of your existence at all times." She said placing a gentle kiss onto his cheek.

Irrevocably Yours [Alec Volturi]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora