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Vera knew she shouldn't be surprised when the largest coven of vampires had a private jet, but she couldn't help be a little excited; she had never been in one of these.

She carried her backpack filled with clothes and blood bags to the seat furthest from the front of the plane. She had spent nearly an hour picking out clothes as she wasn't sure what attire she was meant to wear to things such as this. She packed black pants, a black blouse and her Volturi issued cloak. She hoped this wouldn't take too much time and she could make it to the wedding. She hadn't yet asked Alec if she were allowed to go but she was optimistically anticipating a yes.

"So how do these things usually go?" She asked Alec who had settled next to her after the plane had lifted off.

"Demetri always finds them and depending on each situation we either kill first, ask questions later or figure out a more devised plan as to how to approach things." He said, remembering his mission to Forks when Jane had decided to let the newborn army do what they were created for, then eviscerate whatever was left of them. Clearly things went a little different than anticipated as the Cullens had no problem killing what came at them and Alec had met his mate. It was now obvious that the Cullens won due to their allegiance with wolves; Vera was evidence of such.

"Does it usually take a long time?" She asked

"Somewhere you want to be?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"Just wondering." She said, not willing to ask her question where everyone could hear

"Usually just takes three or four days, nothing too long." He replied, answering her question

Then they flew in silence the rest of the way, his hand rested on her thigh and her eyes were closed.

They arrived in Prague around midnight and they all piled into a slick black SUV. Felix drove with Demetri in the passenger seat. Jane sat in the middle between Alec and Vera, the three of them in the backseat.

"Let's go over the agenda." Felix said, one hand on the wheel

"So the guy that Vera interrogated stated that Augustine was turning vampires in Czechoslovakia. One of our contacts, Benjamin Clyde said he noticed around four to five people disappearing from each province. So he's remaining inconspicuous, however the evidence remains that he's based in Czechoslovakia. If I can't find him we'll go to the house of Ian Doyle, one of the missing people that we can only assume is now a vampire and track him instead." Demetri said

"This guys being smart, he or someone else is obviously training the newborns. What do we do when we find them?" Vera asked the four

"We'll get Augustine alone, I think it's best we capture him, bring him to Aro, try him to the fullest degree of the law. Make an example out of him and show the world what happens when you conspire against us." Felix all but snarled

"Perhaps." Jane said, her voice calm as always

"And the newborns?" Vera asked

"We can't trust that they won't be loyal to Augustine till the end so we end them all." Alec said

"Hmm." Vera hummed. She knew she would never be able to truly avenge her father, but she would take her anger out on these newborns.

In a little over an hour they pulled into the Radisson Blu hotel where a valet took their car.

"šestnácté patro, užijte si pobyt(sixteenth floor, enjoy your stay)" The lady at the front desk said with a big, fake smile, obviously wracked with nerves at the presence of the five immortals.

"Děkuju(Thank you)" Demetri said flashing a smile, causing the poor lady's heart rate to spike and her breathing to stop. Vera, as well as Jane, rolled her eyes at Demetri's flirtatiousness.

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