Special || Henry And Amelia's First Kiss

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"What's up with you?" Amelia asked her friend as they walk into the school.

Amelia had a horrible weekend to say the least. First, her Life Science teacher gave her a bunch of homework for the weekend. Two essays and a bunch of questions to follow. Secondly, her best friend and current crush Henry asked her for advice on how to treat a girl to the perfect date. Having a mental breakdown, she called her friend from school and now she didn't understand why she was smiling like a weirdo right now.

"I just can't believe it." Her friend grinned. "I can't believe that you finally admitted to being in love with Henry."

"I..I...I what?" Amelia stuttered.

She didn't remember what she told her friend on the phone Saturday night but she knew that it was a bunch of nonsense.

"Yep." Her friend grinned. "You were like "oh my gosh, I can't believe that he would go on a date with her instead of Netflix and chill with me." It was so cute." Her friend cooed.

"I didn't say anything about being in love with him!" Amelia argued.

"It's not what you said, it's how you said it." Her friend smirked.

"Promise me you won't tell him." Amelia warned, narrowing her eyes.

She didn't really trust her friend, they've only been friends for a little more than a month and Amelia didn't know what made her call her and tell her such things.

"I need to go get a book from my car." Her friend grinned. "You go on in so long."

"He.." But she was already off to her car.

Sighing, Amelia made her way into the school doors and groaned when the hallway was full and bustling. This was not a good Monday for her. She was on her way to her locker when she spotted them. Henry and the girl standing against his locker. She had a stupid grin on her face and Henry's smirk has never been more smug.

She huffed but rolled her eyes when Henry looked her way and started grinning. Amelia felt a bit of pride when Henry didn't even respectfully excuse himself from the girl, he just walked towards Amelia with a stupid grin on his face and left the girl scowling.

"Hey Lia." Henry smirked but Amelia couldn't hide her angry.

She ignored him and walked past him towards her locker.

"Turns out, girls don't like when a guy wears pink." Henry frowned. "You lied to me."

Amelia smirked.

"Are you ignoring me?" Henry asked after a while. "Hey." He called out poking her side.

"Stop!" Amelia groaned with a eye roll.

Henry smirked. He enjoyed when Amelia was mad at him. The tiny non intimidating frown on her face made his heart skip a beat and his crush for her grow even more. He knew that he could never have something more with Amelia. He was too scared that she would run away from him and never speak to him again. So he did the next best thing, he distracted himself with other girls, trying to find a girl who was a lot like Amelia but he couldn't. The girl from Saturday night didn't even come close.

"What are you mad at now?" Henry chuckled, scanning her body.

He loved that Amelia became more confident in herself. She was wearing a lot more short things like cropped tops and shorts. The leggings she was wearing was one of his favorites.

"Nothing that concerns you." Amelia rolled her eyes, much to Henry's amusement.

"You kn..."

Before Henry could try and make Amelia more annoyed, his phone pinged. He reached for it from his back pocket and unlocked the phone.

Investigator : Big big news for you!! Amelia DOES, I repeat! She doessss have a crush on you. Meet me where we always meet and I'll tell you everything.

At first, Henry chuckled at the name he saved Amelia's friend's number as. It was bad of him but he couldn't help himself. He knew that she would be able to figure out whether Amelia felt something for him so he hired her to befriend Amelia and report everything Amelia says to him. Henry's heart beat rapidly when he read over the message again and again. He couldn't believe it and he couldn't fight the grin tugging at the corners of his lips. All the hints Amelia was giving him wasn't just in his head, it was true. She did have a crush on him too.

"The whore from the locker message you? Is that why you smiling like a damn idiot?" Amelia scoffed, bringing him back to reality.

Amelia's heart dropped at the sight. She couldn't believe that Henry might have feelings for this girl. She didn't really know this girl but she sure as hell didn't like her.

"So what?" Henry smirked, a whole new wave of confidence flooded his brain. "Are you jealous?" He smirked and it only grew when Amelia's cheeks turned red.

"What are you talking about?" She scoffed, looking anywhere but at him. "Why would I be jealous?"

He didn't give her an answer. Instead, he leaned down and before she could comprehend what was happening, his lips were already on hers.

It took a while for her to follow suit and move her lips in sync with his but when she did, he pulled away. She was flushed and felt as if her legs would give in at any given second and he was nervous. Was it too much? Would she run away? Was her formed lying to him? He had to get away before he lost his cool.

"I like you too." He smirked before high tailing it out of the hallway.

Leaving her dumbfounded as the students in the hall whistled and cheered.

"I'm going to kill that bitch." She mumbled to herself when she realised that it could've only been one person responsible for what just happened.

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