Special || Henry's Flashback

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"Do you have coke?" She asked and instantly, a memory forced it's way into my head.

That's been happening a lot lately, ever since I saw her actually. I couldn't believe that it was her but I knew it was. As much as she looked like an actual angel, I knew it wasn't my imagination. She was actually here. I stated at her as she stared at me, hope in her eyes and red decorating her cheeks. She was beautiful. Even more so that I remembered. The slight purplish band under her eyes were new though, my heart ached. What the hell was she doing here?

"Yeah." I grinned, letting the memory take over any other thoughts.

"What's wrong?" I looked down at my girlfriend ad she moved uncomfortably in my arms. "You want me to let you go?" I asked, thinking that she was getting as hot ad I was.

We've been cuddling in bed since I got here and despite the weather, her presence alone made me warm and giddy. That was probably the lamest thing to say but I didn't care if I sounded like a simp, she was mine and every other guy in school wish she were theirs.

"I need to use the bathroom." She stated, trying to get out of my hold again. "Henry!" She groaned.

Why I always got turned on when she was mad at me, I had no idea but I knew that I did. It was adorable. The way she scrunched her face as if she could hurt someone, she couldn't even hurt a fly if she tried.

"What do you want to do in the bathroom?" I smirked to rile her up even more.

"Henry I swear to the mother of potatoes, if you don't let me go I'll scream." She warned, her eyes growing into narrowed slits.

Adorable. I didn't want her to scream though, her father hated when we were locked up in a room alone and he had no idea I was here.

"Go." I chuckled, lifting my arm from around her waist.

My body instantly grew cold and I fought the urge to grab her again. I watched as she walked towards her attached bathroom, my eyes involuntarily falling onto her butt. Her grey sweet pants did wonders for her behind and I had the urge to grab it. That was mine. She was mine.

The episode of Friends we were watching was finished a while ago and I've been waiting for almost a half an hour for her to come out but she didn't. My quickened at the thought of something happening to her and I hopped out of bed.

"Lia!" I called, knocking on the door. "Are you okay?"

"I uhm.." Her muffled voice replied and I sighed in relieve. "I'm kind of.. Uh.." Now her voice sounded as if she was crying but was trying to hold it in and my hand tightened on the handle.

"Amelia, are you crying? Open the door." I demanded, careful not to make too much noise.

"I'm okay!" She said immediately and my suspicion grew. "I'm just uhm...uh kinda..kinda bleeding and..."

"Amelia, open the door!" I demanded louder and knocked on the door again. "Did you hurt yourself?" I asked,  knowing how clumsy she was sometimes.

"No it's not that, it's uh...I got my period." She said the last part so quickly, I had to think back on that and put the sentence together.

That was it? My heart was hammering in my chest for something as natural as that?

"Amelia, why are you crying? Just change and come out." I begged.

I hated when she was in pain and all I wanted to do was hold her and rub her stomach the way she liked it.

"I need my pads." She giggled nervously. "It's in the draw of my dresser." She stated.

"I'll be right back." I sighed and looked where she said.

Weird tiny bullet like objects laid around in the dresser but my eyes finally landed on a packet that read "Always". I knew what it was because of the picture and grabbed it.

"I have it. Open up."

"Leave it by the door and turn away from it." She demanded and I groaned.

It wasn't like I've never seen her naked before.

"Fine." I did as I was told and turned around.

I heard the sound of the door opening, packet scrunching and the door being banged closed again. I chuckled and waited for her to come out. My heart dropped when she finally did.

Her eyes were stained with tears and it was still rolling down her flushed cheeks. Did it hurt that bad? She never cried about her period before.

"Amelia, come here." I said softly, trying to grab her but she pulled away.

I furrowed my brows and stated at her. I noticed that she was staring at the bed and my confusion grew.

"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to grab her again.

She pulled away again and this time she hid her face with her hands. Didn't she want to cuddle anymore? Was there a ghost on her bed? I never understood what she wanted when she was on her period and it was annoying.

I walked towards the bed and scanned it. Nothing that I could see was there except for the TV remote.

"It a remote." I stated, trying hard to fight my laugh.

Making you girl angry while she was on her period was never a good idea. She moved to wards the bed and stood in front of me. I cocked my head to the side and she opened the covers. A red stain decorated the white sheet and I instantly knew what it was. She got her period in bed and didn't know.

"I'll clean it." She said quickly. "You should go."

She was embarrassed, I knew that but I also knew that she didn't want me to leave.

"Hey." I chuckled but years fell down her cheeks again.

My eyes widened as I prayed for my chuckle to go back into my mouth.

"It's okay." I shushed her, grabbing her into my chest even though she put up a fight. "Why are you crying?"

"It's embarrassing." She cried out as if someone stabbed her.

My heart ached at the sound but I also had to stop a laugh from escaping my lips.

"No it's not." I assured her. "It's natural babe. Come on now." I smiled, lifting her chin. "It's okay. I'll change the sheets then you can get back in bed okay?"

"I need to change my pants." She sighed.

"I tell you what." I smirked at the plan forming in my head. "Ilk go buy you some snacks while you clean up okay?"

"You'll come back right?" She asked and my heart fluttered as a familiar warm feeling flowed through me.

"Of course." I smiled, trying to hide my grin.

She always managed to make me feel giddy and confident.

She nodded and I did just that. When I got back, I was expecting her to grin and jump into my arms as she always did when I was away from her but all I received was a deep frown.

I furrowed my brows and followed her gaze. She was looking at the bottle of orange juice in my left hand. What was wrong with it? She loved orange juice. Just then, a memory hit me like a brick.

She liked coke. She liked sodas when she was on her period. I fucked up. I smiled sheepishly as I prayed that the packets of M&Ms would make up for it. It didn't.

Girls on their period were scary but angry girls on their period was one of my biggest nightmares.

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