Chapter 16 || Only The Beginning

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Henry's POV

"Where did you go?" Amelia's soft and sleepy voice startled me as I closed the front door. "You weren't here when I woke up."

I turned around and my breath got knocked out of my lungs at the sight in front of me. Amelia was standing in front of me with a smile on her face, her long blond curls tied up into a high ponytail - exposing her neck that I now wanted to assault with kisses. She was wearing a pink silk nightgown that only covered up until the mid of her thighs and memories of mg struggling to fall asleep with her laying against me flashed through my mind. She was beautiful, even more than I remembered and although my day started out stressful, seeing her now made a new wave of calmness wash over me.

I couldn't help myself any longer, I grabbed her into my arms and kissed her forehead. I wanted to kiss way more of her but I was too aware of the two people standing outside my apartment, waiting for me to open the door. They could wait a while longer.

"I was under the impression that you still sleep as late like you used to." I stated and my heart skipped a beat when she smiled up at me.

I could never get enough of her smile and I would do anything to make it grow even wider, that's why I did what I did this morning. I was excited to show her but I got distracted when she giggled. This girl got me wrapped around her fingers and I hope she knows that.

"That time is long gone." She giggled and let go of my waist, I suddenly felt cold. "Why did you go out so early?" She asked and I couldn't help the grin from growing on my face.

"To go get your surprise." I stated, trying to hide the smug smirk that was growing on my face.

She always made me feel like I was the best person in the whole world and her love alone was enough to boost my ego.

She frowned and I turned my back towards her and opened the door again. Mistake. The squeals that came from all three girls at once was enough to burst my eardrums and I visibly winced but they didn't care.

Amelia grabbed both Harper and Elizabeth into her arms and I don't know how, but they managed to jump up and down together. The grin on my girl's face made me feel like a king.

"What's happening?" Amelia suddenly asked when their hug was over. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I'll let them explain." I stated, motioning for an eager Elizabeth to tell the story.

"You'd never guess what happened." Harper laughed.

"Let me tell her!" Elizabeth moaned and Harper scoffed but let her anyway. "So, last night when you left we were all sad and gloomy but a certain witch disturbed our mourning and.."

"Mourning?" Amelia scoffed. "I'm not dead!"

"Anyway," Elizabeth waved her off, too excited to tell the story. "She came and demanded that we tell her what your evil plans were and how you managed to get it right."

"What evil plans?" Amelia frowned and I couldn't help but chuckle at Evelyn's sense of the situation.

"She believes that you planned to steal Henry away from her just so you could hurt her and apparently we helped you." Harper explained and Elizabeth frowned at her.

"She said that we knew what your intentions were and surprise surprise, Mr and Mrs Thompson believed her and fired us." Elizabeth finished with a shrug.

"What?" Amelia exclaimed.

"Yep. She fired us and luckily for us, Evelyn thought it would make Henry come back to her of she called him and told him what she did. Next thing, Henry showed up but only to come and get us." Elizabeth squealed. "We're your maids now!"

"Wait." Amelia stated, trying to make sense of the situation. "My maids?"

"Yeah, Henry hired us for you." Harper smiled.

"No! I don't want my best friends working for me!" Amelia exclaimed and I cocked my head. "Fire them right now!"

"You want me to fire them and leave them without a job?" I asked, too amused by her predicted response.

"Well no...but I can't have my best friends working for me!" She exclaimed. "That's just wrong!"

"We don't mind!" Elizabeth giggled and harper nodded in agreement. "We would love to work for you."

"Amelia listen," I decided to finally chime in. "I'll be paying them but you'll be their boss. If you don't want them to do much then don't let them, I'll still pay them full price as we discussed." I shrugged. "They don't even need to work, just be there for you and make you happy in ways I can't. I'll still pay them."

"Thank you so much Henry." She squealed and jumped into !y arms.

It was sudden and it scared me but I quickly came to and grabbed her before she could make us both fall over. She wrapped her thighs around me and all I wanted was for Harper and Elizabeth to leave us alone but we needed to get to our flight.

"I love you so much." She giggled and kissed me.

We packed the rest of our things while Amelia explained to her friends how nice it is in Cappadocia and we finally made it into our plane. Harper and Elizabeth's seats were chosen last minute - by last minute I meant this morning so their seats were a bit further from ours. They were still in first class though.

"Here we go." Amelia smiled and laid her head on my shoulder. "I can't believe I'm going back with you."

My heart suddenly dropped. Amelia had no idea what was waiting for her back in Cappadocia and I was afraid of what it would do to her. I wanted her to be happy and full of life again but I know that she would be upset when she finds out that my mother was now six feet under and my father was now married to a woman only two years older than Amelia was.

How was I supposed to tell her everything that happened while she was gone? Deep down I wanted to hide everything from her but she's been through way much for me to do that. I had to tell her at some point but for now, I just wanted to enjoy the fact that we were finally back together.

I was excited for the positive things that awaited us and my nerves were on edge too. I felt my jeans pocket and gripped the small box inside it, would she live the ring? After she finds out about my mother would she say yes?

Annnndddddd we're done! Faith is finished!!!! Wait!!!! Before you get mad at this pathetic ending and delete this book from your library, I just want to say........... Book two is on it's way!!!!!! It may not be soon but it is definitely on it's way! The plot is planned out and all I have to do is plan it our a bit more!
Thank you for reading, commenting and voting! Mwah!

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