Chapter 15 || Pure Love

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"It's you isn't it?" Evelyn's voice startled me.

I let put a loud squeal of surprise, dropping the bowl I was washing up and turned around to face a very unnerving scene. Evelyn's face was redder than I ever imagined a humans' face could get and her eyebrows were knitted together, not a good look for her perfectly firm face. It was weird seeing her frown so deeply and I lost my voice for a moment as she stood in front of me, pointing her index finger close to my chest.

"Miss Evelyn?" I managed to choke out, my mouth dry and my tongue feeling like sand paper. "Are you alright?" Well what a stupid question to ask, she was clearly fuming and even a blind person could see it but I didn't know what else to say.

She scoffed and threw her arms up in the air, probably thinking exactly how stupid my question was. I wouldn't blame her if she slapped me right now, the twitching of her fingers and they flew up worrying me a tiny bit.

"Don't act stupid!" She barked and I flinched, her voice was even louder than Mrs Thompson's at this point. "I see the way he looks at you every time you come into a room. You're such a whore!" She spat and anger took over every other rational thought.

"Excuse me?" I spat, forgetting all about my manners and respect for the employers.

"Stop it!" She screams raising her hand in front of my face. "I know it was you who made him call off the wedding. It's all your fault!" She screamed.

My heart dropped. Henry told me that he would handle it and that it wouldn't be a big deal, I didn't know that he already told them. I remember us deciding to wait a while but clearly he couldn't wait even for a few days. I was angry and was about to search for Henry but Evelyn suddenly raised her hand and was about to slap me but a slap of a door stopped us both from what we were doing.

"Evelyn." Henry called sternly, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine despite the situation.

He came to stand in front of me but I moved to stand next to him instead, I didn't need protection against Evelyn. I could handle my own battles but it was him who caused this, I told him to wait and I couldn't stop the frustration that grew inside of me.

"Is everything alright?" Abigail asked, coming back from the restroom.

Her voice made Evelyn turn and narrow her eyes at her. Was she about to be rude to a older person? I wouldn't even be surprised.

"Get out!" She barked and Abigail didn't even flinch, she just scrunched up her face. "And make sure no one else came in here, this is no one's business." She demanded and Abigail nodded.

Before she turned around and left, she shot me a warning glare and I rolled my eyes. She didn't even know what this was about yet she was already planning a long lecture for me later. I could see it in her judgemental eyes. My eyes snapped back to Evelyn when she turned back to us so fast that u was surprised she didn't get whiplash, if she did, she clearly didn't care about it.

"How could you do this?" Evelyn asked, a bit softer than before as she spoke to Henry who sighed.

"Come on Evelyn, don't make as if we were this happy couple who was in love and I suddenly broke your heart." He sighed and her eyes softened but then hardened again as he continued. "We were just a business transaction and you knew that, I think you're being unnecessary." I winced when she looked hurt.

Was she really in love with Henry? I wouldn't blame her, all it took was one day with him to fall for him but I couldn't help the wave of jealousy that spread through my veins. I decided to stay back and allow Henry to sort it out like he promised he would, I was too angry at him to speak anyway.

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