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Roxy sat with her mouth agape and eyes wide in the back seat of the chauffer vehicle. She scrambled to the other side of the car as it drove around a bend that carved around the mountainside. At the bottom of the steep descent was a large lake so still and clear it reflected the sky and treetops above it like a mirror in a picture of natural and untouched beauty. In the distance, greenery sprawled as far as the eye could see in forms of trees covering the magnificent mountains. The sky above was a perfect blue with fluffy white clouds floating along. Roxy loved the country of Saltwater Woods, when she'd walk along the beach in both her forms feeling the sand between her toes, duck below rolling waves in the ocean as she swam and got up at the crack of dawn to watch the sun rise above the vast blue. Nothing could ever compare to the land she called home. But the Mountainous Region was already lodging themselves deep into her heart.

Remembering the unopened envelope sitting in her bag, she begrudgingly sat back against the leather seat and pulled it out. With the screen dividing her and the driver, who'd barely said a word to her anyway, she gently peeled the envelope open to reveal a letter folded up inside. She sucked in the smell of Cleo on the paper, wishing she had her sister by her side. Together, it could've been an adventure of a lifetime. But Roxy understood that Cleo's priorities had been made to shift the day she'd been crowned Luna. She had to stay by Trent's side and look after their pack.

Roxy unfolded the letter and began to read Cleo's cursive handwriting.

To my dearest sister,

First of all, I want to tell you just how much I love you. Being apart from you with our reunion unknown is hard on me just as much as it is on you. We have been through so much together; from having our dad walk out on us just when we were children and losing our mother in a lot of ways from heartbreak. We have always been each other's support, and although I can never say these words out loud, I'm terrified without you by my side.

Sending you away and entrusting your protection to someone else was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But I know Moonlight Ridge will protect you like you've always been one of their own. Isaac Winters is one of the most ruthless but fair Alphas. Trent has met him at many meetings. If Trent trusts him, then so do I.

Isaac is also your soulmate, Roxy.

Roxy's breathing became shallow as she reread the words over and over. The paper crinkled in her clenched fists. Soulmate? The soulmate who rejected her? She thought of herself buried beneath her blankets for days, the wolf inside of her constantly whining. Their heart had felt like it'd been torn from their chest. Cleo had been the one to hold her and soothe her. The one to get her out of bed to shower and dress her. Betrayal flared like a raging fire inside of her. Cleo had seen how much pain his rejection had put her through and now she was sending her straight to him. With tears blurring her vision, she struggled to read on, hoping that there was some kind of explanation as to why her sister would do such a thing.

I'm sorry I had to keep this from you. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way. I wanted to tell you but Trent swore me to secrecy. He knew that if we told you the truth, you'd never agree to go to Moonlight Ridge. Please understand that I did this for you. With no other family, the options I had for your safety were slim. I know with Moonlight Ridge you will be safe. As for Isaac, I hope in the two years since the rejection he's had second thoughts about his decision. I'm sure he would never have agreed to such a thing if he hadn't.

You are a strong and beautiful person, Roxy. I have total faith that you will find an inner strength in yourself to overcome the obstacles in your way.

Please forgive me. I love you with all my heart.

Cleo x

Tears had soaked the paper, turning the handwriting into black blotches. With a fierce anger surging through her, Roxy clenched the paper into a ball and tossed it to the other side of the car. Raking her fingers through her hair, she brought her knees to her chest and cried into them uncontrollably. The wolf inside her burned to explode. Her body shook with the threat of transitioning. The desire to let her wolf burst free and tear the car she sat in with her large claws was intoxicating. Then she would run, run as far away as she could from this hellish nightmare. How could her sister do this to her? How could she send her away when they'd never been apart, into the arms of the soulmate who'd destroyed her? Her mind threw her back to the night of the White Moon Ball; a tattoo of mountains and pines against olive skin, fairy lights, the sound of Isaac's voice and his glowing green eyes as he'd spat out the words,

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