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Roxy was walking amongst the throng of students to the car park with Kayla chatting at her side when jogging footsteps approached behind her. Soon enough Levi had waded through the small crowd to join her other side. She couldn't hide her surprise at his appearance and scanned the crowd for Abigail who'd been clinging to him like glue since they'd come out as soulmates. For the first time she couldn't see the girl anywhere.

'Hey, Roxy.' Levi gave a nervous smile. 'Can we talk?'

Sensing that things were about to get serious, Kayla rested a hand on her arm. 'I'll meet you at the car park. Bye, Levi.'

The students merged around Roxy and Levi as they stood in front of one another. She bit her lip in anticipation of what he was going to say, her hands tightening around the straps of her backpack. It was an understatement that things had become awkward between them since the food fight. Levi had turned into a lost puppy dog being dragged along by Abigail's leash – a leash which no longer liked to come near herself and Kayla. Roxy understood in part how exciting it was to discover her soulmate, wanting to be around them every minute of every day. Their presence was like a drug that you quickly became addicted to, like finding a bottle of water after dying of thirst for days. But she'd never seen someone so sweet morph into such a jealous creature like Abigail had. She wasn't sure if she was more annoyed at her friend's change in personality or the fact that Levi had never stood up to her.

'You said you wanted to talk.' Roxy stretched onto her tiptoes, becoming impatient. 'Or are you too worried Abigail will see us together?' She mocked a gasp. 'Scandalous.'

A sad look crossed Levi's features and he kicked the ground with the toe of his worn sneakers. 'I'm real sorry, Roxy.'

She scoffed, unable to hold in the hurt. 'For what? For how Abigail has iced out Kayla and I, for her becoming insanely jealous when another she-wolf is within a five metre radius of you or.' She swallowed roughly, fingering the leather tassels of her bracelet. 'For pretending to be a good friend to me only to ditch me?'

Levi winced. 'For all of the above.' He sighed and stepped forward, clasping her hands in his rough and calloused ones. 'I'm sorry I let Abigail come between us. I was on a high after finding my soulmate, blinded by how incredibly jealous she'd become.' His curls bounced as he shook his head sadly. 'Once the magical clouds began to clear I started to see how she's been treating people, you in particular. I told you that I'd be there for you knowing how hard it is to be the new kid and I let you down. I'm so sorry, Roxy.'

Roxy bit her lip, brushing her fingers across the amethyst crystal. She looked up to him with a sad smile. 'You're lucky I'm not someone to hold grudges.' She began untying the bracelet. 'I think it's best if I give this back. I'm sure it's not helping Abigail's jealousy.'

Levi quickly placed a hand to prevent her from slipping it from her wrist. 'No, Roxy. I gave that to you as a supportive friend. If Abigail doesn't like it then she's going to have to get over it.' He sighed heavily and shoved his hands deep into his pockets. 'It's about time I make her realise how she's been treating people.'

Roxy opened her mouth to speak before smacking it shut at the sight of Abigail rushing towards them. She made the effort of taking a large step away from Levi when her friend's eyes which had once been wide and innocent narrowed into a scowl. A sad feeling filled Roxy when she looked at the girl she barely recognised. She'd really liked Abigail. Why had she turned so bitter because she'd found her soulmate? Kayla was the one Roxy felt for the most, she'd lost her childhood friend.

'Roxy.' Abigail gave a false smile and turned her nose up. 'What are you doing talking to my soulmate? Isaac out of town?'

She gave a menacing growl in response. 'I was talking to my friend. My friend who you wouldn't have known was your soulmate if I hadn't been the one to introduce you.'

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