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'I can't believe we're all in the same classes!' squealed Kayla, tossing a pile of clothes to Roxy. She quickly caught them to her chest, scrunching her nose up at the white shirt and matching blue tie and pleated skirt. A uniform? 'These should fit you, Roxy. Saves you spending a fortune just for a semester.'

'Right... thanks.' She held the tie up in front of her face. 'I've never worn a tie though.'

Abigail giggled from where she laid on the bed. She was a pretty girl with shoulder-length brown hair pinned back from her face, exposing doe-like hazel eyes. Her long slim legs swung in the air, her stomach against the blankets. 'Toss it here while you get changed. There's a trick you can do so you never have to undo it.'

Roxy tossed her the silky fabric which she caught with ease and made her way into the wardrobe. Holding the skirt between her fingers, she assessed it as if she'd never seen one before. This was definitely not her style. With a heavy sigh she pulled off her comfortable tank and shorts and slipped into the uniform. The fabric pulled against her shoulders with Kayla being slightly smaller and the skirt was way too high for her liking. Grimacing at her bare legs, she tried tugging it down, hating the way it felt like it was exposing her nether regions. She would have to bite the bullet and break into the cash Cleo had sent her away with to buy a uniform when she got to school. There was no way she was going an entire semester like this. After finding a pair of white socks in her still-packed suitcase, she rolled them up to her knees and tugged at the skirt again before stepping out into the room.

Both Kayla's and Abigail's eyes widened as they looked at her, using their hands in a poor attempt to stifle their giggles.

'My brother will have a fit having you around the males at school like that!' Kayla sniggered.

Roxy's stomach flipped uneasily at the mention of Isaac. She was dreading having to sit in a car with him every morning and afternoon. 'Well, he won't have to worry. As soon as I'm there I'm going straight to the office and getting myself a bigger size.'

'Good idea,' agreed Abigail with a wince. 'There's no way the Luna of Moonlight Ridge can be parading herself around like that.'

'If there wasn't the stupid rule of wearing uniforms then I'd be in clothes that actually fit me properly,' grumbled Roxy, precariously bending down to pick up her bag so she didn't flaunt her underwear.

'I couldn't imagine going to a normal school,' gushed Kayla as they emerged from the bedroom. 'Weren't you always worried about the humans finding out?'

'It was pretty easy really.' Roxy shrugged as they began descending down the stairs. 'We just had to make sure to not let anything slip and to keep our tempers in check. The only thing that made peoples' heads turn was when the first shifters would return to school the following year looking like they ate steroids for breakfast.'

The two other girls were still giggling when they reached the foyer. A flurry of nerves kicked around in Roxy's stomach as she listened to cars starting and heading down the driveway. A new pack or a new school, she didn't know what was worse. She thought of the new students who'd get picked on at her old school. Thankfully she'd never been subjected new kid initiations since she'd grown up in the small seaside town. Now she was the new kid. Were werewolf bullies worse than humans? Did anyone dare play up at a school on Alpha Winters' territory? For the first time ever, she was a little relieved he was such a dominating prick.

A man which looked like he could be the same age as Isaac walked up to them with broad shoulders and black hair shaved into patterns on the side of his head. It was then Roxy noticed his grey eyes which were startling against his dark skin were only focused on one of the girls, as if the other two didn't even exist. She watched as him and Kayla gravitated towards each other. That must be her soulmate, Tobias. Roxy also remembered that she'd mentioned him being the Beta – Isaac's right hand man. Did he know about the rejection?

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