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Isaac sighed a breath of relief when Alpha Daniels bid him goodnight. The man was nice enough but Moon Goddess he could talk underwater. Slinking back into the shadows, he rested against the wall in the hope of avoiding Crystal. Out of his peripheral, she'd been ogling him all night, showing no shame in doing so despite his Luna being mere metres away. He'd attended plenty of these weekends, hating each and every one of them, but none had exhausted him quite like this one.

As he'd watched Roxy descend the staircase with his sister earlier in the night, he knew he was beginning to lose his battle in resisting her. Nostalgia had hit him for a six, reaching her warm and euphoric tendrils deep into the crevices of his dark heart. When he'd asked Cleo to bring the dress Roxy had worn to the White Moon Ball, he hadn't known what he'd been thinking. The original plan was to have Kayla purchase Roxy a dress, but as he'd been about to order her to a town run, the urge to see Roxy in the same blue dress she'd worn two years ago had crippled him.

She hadn't disappointed. Not in the slightest.

Roxy couldn't be denied as a pretty girl with her golden waves which were never styled, tottering around the territory in cut of shorts and t-shirts with bare feet. It was the type of girl he liked – natural. But he'd felt as though he couldn't breathe out of astonishment the entire night. And he'd been acutely aware that he hadn't been the only one in the room totally entranced. But whilst the other wolves in the room swooned at finally laying eyes on the mysterious Luna of Moonlight Ridge, he hadn't been able to take his eyes from the she-wolf he was struggling to resist. Her blonde hair was braided and curled, the tendrils framing her heart-shaped face. The blueness of her eyes matched the silky blue of her dress, a dress which showed off her curvy figure before flaring out at her hips. She was nervous, the scrunching of her dress and chewing of her glossed lips throughout the night proved that. The unbridled thought of him being the one to lick the gloss from her lips had his wolf giving a low growl of pleasure. A brief kiss on the cheek was all he'd been able to do before avoiding her for the hours since, too afraid he'd make a bumbling mess of himself if he hung around her.

After being close to her for the day, both himself and his wolf were struggling to be without her. It was like caving into the temptation of a delicious dessert. Like chocolate coated strawberries, which he'd amusedly noted seemed to be Roxy's kryptonite. For so long he'd told himself no, to keep his hands to himself and to keep her heart safe. To prevent her sunny personality from being clouded by his dark and stormy ghosts. But then he'd had the smallest of tastes with their near-kiss. Every moment she was with him was another bite. Delicious, juicy bites that dribbled down his chin. Until he'd reached the bottom of the bowl and he was going insane for more. Now that he'd had a sweet taste of how it would be to truly be with her, he was afraid he wouldn't taste sweetness again.

Isaac was tired of being a hypocrite. He found it bitterly hilarious that he criticised other wolves for being weak when he was the weakest of all. He was tired, and he was hungry. His wolf had had enough. He'd had enough.

A porcelain face, large green eyes and a blonde updo blocked out the vision of Roxy. Crystal.

Isaac gave a sharp growl. 'What are you doing?'

The Regent heir beamed up at him innocently as if she hadn't been shadowing him the entire night. 'Alpha Winters, it's so nice to see you again! I was beginning to think you were avoiding me!'

'Not good enough apparently,' muttered Isaac, taking a side step only to be blocked. He growled impatiently, his wolf roiling beneath his skin like a storm. 'Look, Crystal, we've talked about this.'

The young girl pouted her lips, a deep ruby colour against her white skin. 'You know we could be powerful together. Moonlight Ridge and Regent are original packs, you know what that could mean.'

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