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Roxy groaned and stretched beneath her blankets after her alarm had jolted her awake bright and early. She rolled over to stare up to the ceiling, a feeling of anxious dread circulating her. Today she started training. With Isaac. While Saltwater Woods had a strict training regime, she could only imagine it would be nothing to what Moonlight Ridge practiced. And since Isaac was convinced that the rogues who'd visited Saltwater Woods could in fact be after her, she assumed he was going to train her harder than any other wolf.


With another groan Roxy slid out of the bed, landing on the floorboards with a thud. For a while she laid like that, relishing the coolness of the timber boards as the day outside was already beginning to warm. An image of her crawling through mud beneath barbed wire with Isaac screaming above her flashed though her mind, followed by one of her begging for mercy between sobs. Maybe it'd been a mistake to agree to training. The fear she'd felt from seeing Isaac so angry had made her agree without a second thought. Now she wasn't sure if being around the dominating Alpha or being trained by him was worse.

There was only one way to find out.

With a heavy sigh she heaved herself to her feet, her body like a ragdoll as she staggered to the wardrobe. If she was this tired now, how was she going to survive a day of school after training? With a gaping yawn she tossed her pyjamas from her body and stepped into a pair of tracksuit shorts with a loose fitting T-shirt. Yep, it had definitely been a mistake to agree to this.

Isaac was waiting for her downstairs, the early sunlight which poured through the windows making his silhouette glow. She let out a whoosh of air as she neared him, her eyes zeroing in on his bulking arms and solid pecks exposed by the muscle tank top he wore. Even his calves, exposed beneath his basketball shorts, didn't have an inch of fat on them. The guy was pure muscle. And he'd been created for her. Roxy swallowed down the sad feeling that rose within her. If only his inside was as good as his outer.

'You ready?' Was his way of greeting, his eyes locked onto her as she came to stand in front of him.

'Do I get breakfast?' Roxy folded her arms across herself.

Isaac thrust a bottle of some sort of liquid towards her. 'Protein shake.'

'You're putting me on a diet?' She glanced to the drink and then glared at his retreating back which was heading to the back door.

Isaac turned to face her, a deadpan expression on his face. 'Of course not. It's just less time consuming and will give you a burst of energy.' He stepped out onto the back veranda. 'Now come on, we've already wasted five minutes.'

Feeling silly for being dramatic, Roxy popped open the lid of the drink and sniffed it cautiously. It smelt okay; like banana and chocolate. Hesitantly she raised the bottle to her lips, expecting to spit the drink back out as it hit her tastebuds but instead she was pleasantly surprised and took a larger swig. It seemed Isaac excelled in everything but soulmate skills.

He'd already begun stretching when Roxy joined him out the back and she couldn't help but admire the flex of his muscles. Flashes of what his contracting muscles would look like as they made sweet, sweet love to her teased her mind. A blush flamed her cheeks and to distract herself she began mimicking his stretches. How could she despise someone but crave them all at the same time? Surely human relationships weren't this confusing. Surely.

'So what are we doing today, Alpha? Crawling through mud? Climbing walls?' She watched as his body tensed.

'I hate it when you call me that,' he muttered bitterly, deserting her on the deck and making his way towards the trees surrounding the Omega cabins.

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