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Roxy was stacking the books she didn't need from her backpack into her locker when there was a tap on her shoulder. Frowning, she turned to see who the person was, her eyebrows springing up when Levi gave a nervous wave.

'Levi!' She tucked her hair behind her ears and slammed the locker shut. 'Levi, I need to apologise for Isaac. He was way out of line and should never have threatened you like that. I shouldn't have put you in that position. I hope you can forgive me.'

'Roxy, it's okay.' He shoved his hands into his pockets. 'I've faced scarier things than that soulmate of yours during my time on the streets. Besides, we all know Alphas are a little more possessive than other wolves. I shouldn't have even suggested the idea.'

Roxy gave a sad smile. 'No, I'm glad we did it. I just don't think we'll be doing it again. Thank you for forgiving me. The last thing I need is losing the friends I just made in a new town.'

'I'm more than happy to sacrifice some frozen cream for my head to stay attached to my neck.' The both of them laughed before Levi gave a sad smile and tugged the bracelet he wore from his wrist. 'I know how hard it can be being the new kid.' He extended it out to Roxy. 'This bracelet has been with me at every new school I've started at and nothing bad has ever happened. I like to think of it as my good luck charm. I think you could use some.'

Roxy gasped and took the bracelet, running her fingers over the plaited leather and chunk of amethyst that twinkled beneath the hallway lights. 'It's beautiful, Levi.' She held it back to him. 'But I could never take your good luck charm away. I wouldn't forgive myself if today you were hung from the flagpole by your underpants.'

He laughed and waved her off. 'Again, I've gone through worse. Please, take it.'

'Are you sure?' She bit her lip.

Levi rolled his eyes and took the bracelet to tie around her wrist. 'I'm sure.'

'Thank you, Levi, for being such a good friend.' She winced as they started to make their way down the hallway with the throng of students in blue and white. 'Even when my Alpha soulmate almost tore your head from your body.'

Levi chuckled and pulled her to his side. 'What are friends for?'

A few minutes later they met Abigail and Kayla out the front of their next class. It was the first time she'd be attending the speciality class Isaac had spoken about. A nervous feeling stirred inside of her. What if she didn't know as much as the other wolves? Would they be learning about rogues? She thought of the book she'd picked up in the library yesterday before Levi had found her, the gruesome sketch flashing through her mind. Moon Goddess, she hoped not. The thought of them being after one of the Saltwater Woods pack members, or her, as Isaac feared, sent a slow and chilling feeling down her spine.

'Oh, hey, nice bracelet.' Abigail picked up Roxy's wrist, her eyes locked onto the amethyst. 'I've never seen anything like it before. Did Isaac give it to you?'

Roxy laughed nervously and gently pulled her hand back to her side. 'No. Levi gave it to me for good luck.'

Abigail looked up to Levi. 'Aw how sweet.'

'I made it myself,' said Levi proudly. 'I can make you one too if you like.'

Abigail's eyes brightened. 'Really?' A blush adorned her cheeks as she brushed her hair from her face. 'Pink is my favourite colour.'

'Ah the rose quartz – a crystal of universal and unconditional love.' A spark twinkled in Levi's eyes.

Kayla was frowning at the interaction with Roxy, the girls giving an eyebrow-raised glance to one another when the class began merging inside. She listened to Abigail and Levi chat excitedly to one another about crystals and their healing powers while she took a seat next to Kayla. Could they just share a mutual interest or was there more to their sudden connection?

Forever MineOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora