Chapter 1. The Forest of the unknown.

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When Ansel and Jenny opend their eyes they were standing in what looked like either a jungle or a forest. She looked around for a few momments before saying to Ansel.

" Another forest? its just like the first time when I came to Livroth..." She then let out a sigh and looked at Ansel before saying. " Let us find a way out of this place and find a town or something so we can get some rest for the night..."

Ansel agrueed with her and said as they began to walk. " And let us hope we dont have to save another human woman who needs our help..." 

They continued to walk for a few hours without finding any way out of the forest and made her wonder if there was a way out of this forest.

But had this feeling that somebody were following them witch made Jenny and Ansel to keep their guard up.

They continued to walk until Jenny and Ansel stopped and stood at the same spot for a few secounds  before He said. " Human..."

Jenny summoned her shotgun while saying to him. " I know..." She then aimed at the bushes a few feet behind them and said with a serious look on her face.

" You who hides in the bushes, I give you ten secounds to come out with your hands up or I put a bullet in your head!" She kept pointing the gun at the bushes until a man with short black hair came out of the bushes and said to her.

" I apologize, I didnt mean to be rude to  you and your pal... I have never seen you lot before..." Jenny looked at him and noticed the mark on his chest that looked like the one on Ansel's chest.

She looked at the man and said. " So you decided to stalk us, Who are you?" The man looked at her and said with a friendly smile on his face but it didnt feel right for her.

" The name is Derik... may I ask witch tribe are you two from?" Jenny had a confused look on her face and said. " Tribe? We dont belong to any Tribe... except for my friend here..." 

Derik had a look of intrest in his eyes as he said to them both. " Is that so? I know a place where you both can get something to eat and sleep. My people are verry friendly and..."

Jenny didnt trust  him and aimed her shotgun to his head and said. " We dont buy that shit of yours... Now tell us the truth, why were you following us?" 

Derik didnt expect her to aim her gun at his head and said to her with a little nerveous look on his face. " A-Alright... I am looking for People from Tribes, to bring them back to the Fortress..." 

Jenny looked at Derik and said with a curious look on her face. " The fortress? why are you leading people there?" Derik looked at Jenny and said with a nerveous  look on his face but inside he's scared that she pull the trigger and end him.

" I am taking people there so they can to fight to the death..." Jenny had a look of anger on her face as she said to him. " Why are are you forcing people  to fight to the death!?!"

Derik looked at her and said with a nerveous smile on his face. " B-because they were helping Someone who faught against my boss's ally, Someone who went by the name of Rosie Penter."

Jenny looked a bit suprised to hear that Rosie was here in this world years ago and mention of an Ally of Derik's boss. It made her think of only one group in mind that could be the this Ally he speak of. 

She then had a serious look on her face as she asked him a question." Is your Boss's ally called Lactur-Undos?" Derik looked at her and said with the same nerveous smile on his face. 

" Y-yes... how did you know?..." Jenny lowerd her gun and grabbed his shirt while saying to him. 

" Because I am the one who is going to bring them down, and I want you to do us a little favor... Tell your Boss that Jenny Blackash is here to put an end to his sick plesure of watching people getting killed...

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