Chapter 2. The Chiefs of the Tribes

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After walking a cross a few bridges they reached a house at the center of the cavern with a large brown door. The Tribes woman stopped at the door and said to Jenny with a smile.

" Here we are, The chiefs will be happy to see you here Dimension Hero..." Jenny looked at the woman and said with her hand raised. " The name is Jenny Blackash...

So... before we go inn... what is your name?" The Tribes woman looked at her and said with a smile before she opend the door. " Its Nymè..."

They followed her inside where the Chiefs of the tribes turned their attention on Nymè and one of them spoke in that strange language again. 

Nymè spoke to the chiefs with that language again while Jenny wonderd what they were talking about. One of the Chiefs who had a large scar across his left eye and Tribal markings on his right arm looked at Jenny then said.

" So you're the Dimension Hero?" Jenny nooded her head and said to the Chief with a serious look on her face. " I am, The name is Jenny Blackash and this is my friend, Ansel..."

The Chief looked at Jenny and said with a calm look on his face. " We welcome you to our Town, Jenny Blackash... I am the Chief Oram of the Alcumi, and these are the Chiefs of the other tribes."

Jenny looked at the other Chiefs who wore masks that resemble strange animals she have never seen before. She sat down in the middle of the room and said to Oram and the Chiefs.

" Nymè have told me what is happening to the Tribes and I want to help you all..." The Chieftess with a mask that lookes like a eagle with two beeks said to Jenny.

" You want to help? how can you help us all? Dimension Hero?" Jenny looked at the Chieftess and said to her. " I plan to go to the Fortress and take out Onrok and the member from Lactur-Undos." 

The Chief who wore a mask that looked like a Cheetah said to Jenny while putting his wooden cup down. " You want to go the Fortress and take them out?

That place is heavily guarded with both Onrok's soldiers and those monsters from the Lactur-Undos. It will be a suicide mission for you, witch is verry risky..."

Jenny looked at him and said with a serious look on her face. " That is why I let them capture..." Oram looked suprised to hear this and said to her. " Are you mad? once they have captured you they will kill you..."

Jenny looked at him and said with a calm look on her face. " They wont kill me, because I am going to give them an offer they cannot refuse."

The Chieftess with the eagle mask looked at her saying. " And what kind of offer are you giving them?" Jenny looked at the masked Chieftess with a calm look  on her face before saying.

" I am going to Fight in the arena..." Hearing this suprised everyone while Ansel had a worried look on his face. Jenny continued to sit on the floor with a calm look on her face as she said to them.

" I leave first thing tomorrow morning to get to the Fortress... I take a look around your town if that is fine with all of you, Great Chiefs..." Oram looked at Jenny for a minute before he said to her.

" Of course... Nymè can show you and your friend your hut for the night..." Jenny thanked him before getting up and making her way out of the house while Ansel stood there still worried about her.

Meanwhile at the Fotresss -

Tyler was leaned against one of the pillers of the balcony watching the fight in the arena below him. He watched as one of the fighters got torn apart by the Monsters while A man with short black air and ice blue eyes looked at him saying.

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