Chapter 7. back In Livroth

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A few days had passed by since Jenny made Faredo swear that he never do the things his father did. She went to the cavern to tell the Tribes the good news and they wernt too trusting in Faredo even though he is keeping his word.

She understood that they were being careful and it is going to take some time for them to build up the courage to go to the surface. after viseting the Tribes and saying goodbye she and Ansel went back to Livroth.

They appeared at the court yard of the palace and were greeted by Asteros who were happy to see them. " Jenny? Ansel? what are you two doing here?" 

Jenny looked at Asteros and said with a calm look on her face. " We came back because there is something we need to do..." Asteros got curious and said to her.

" What is this something do you two need to do?" Jenny looked at him and said with a calm look on her face. " Its something We have to do before going to the next world..."

Seeing the look in Ansel's eyes and Asteros understood what she was talking about and said. " I see... I hope you two be careful... and good luck..." 

Jenny nooded her head and said to him with a smile. " We will..." Then they began to head to the market to find the Broker leaving Asteros looking worried for them both.

The Market -

Upon reaching the market they found the Brooker writting down in a book near his tent and said to him. " Oi! Shit eating bastard! we need to talk." 

The Broker looked up from his book and didnt look too happy to see her and Ansel. " What are You doing here, Dimension Hero? are you unhappy with buying that mutt?"

Ansel didnt growl at being called a mutt as Jenny walked over to him and said. " That's not why I am here..." The Broker looked at her and said to her with a grumpy look on his face.

" Then why are you here then?" Jenny lookes at him and said with a serious look on his face. " I would like to add two people to the contract..." 

The Broker saw the look in her eyes and said with a sigh and closed his book saying. " Follow me..." They followed him into the tent and walked passed a few cages containing Paneminuses or other strange animals.

Some of the Paneminuses in the cages gave Jenny hateful lookes while some gave her sad lookes. The broker reached his desk and got out the contract Jenny written under after she bought Ansel and said.

" What are the names of the people you wish to add to the contract?" Jenny looked at him and said with a serious look on her face. " Ryan and Benjamin Blackash..." 

The Broker took out a quil and began to write down their names on the contract saying. " Ryan and Benjamin? are they reletives of yours?" Jenny looked at him and said with a serious look on her face.

" They are... my Brothers..." The Broker stopped writting and looked up at her saying. " Your brothers you say? and you want them to take owner ship of your mutt after you're gone, is that right?"

She nooded her head and said to him. " Yes..." He then looked back at the paper and continued to write down their names and said. " May I know what made you wish to make this decision?"

Jenny were silent for a few secounds and was about to give him her answer when Ansel said to him. " That's none of your busniess... Human..." 

The Broker looked up at Ansel while raising an eye-brow and said to him. " I am not listening to you mutt... I think your Mistress can say that for herself..." 

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