Chapter 5.

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( Warning, this Chapter contains gore and nudity. skip to the next chapter when it is avaliable if you do not like none of those things. You have been warned.)

Two weeks have passed since Jenny have takend up the challenge to fight in the Arena. with each victory she became more and more tired but pushed herself to keep fighting.

While Ansel is still worried about her getting killed in the Arena as he still searched for new infomation about where his sister is. They were both sitting in the cell talking for a bit until a Guard opend the cell door and said.

" Blackash, You are requested to eat dinner with Lord Onrok and Captian Ircon..." Jenny looked at him and said with a serious look on her face. " Why do they want me to eat dinner with them?"

The guard didnt give her an answer as she let out a sigh and said. " I guess I find out for myself..." She was about to get up from the bed when Ansel gently grabbed her arm saying to her.

" Be careful..." She gave him a small smile telling him she be careful and left with the guard to the dinning room. upon arriving Onrok was sitting at the dinning table with Ircon and looked at Jenny saying.

" Ah... Miss Blackash, take a seat..." Jenny took a seat at the dinning table as the servants began to put food on the table. Jenny looked at the food on the table and didnt trust any of this as Onrok took notice and said to her.

" Go on... its safe to eat..." Jenny still didnt trust him as she said to him. " How do I know it isnt posioned?" Onrok looked at her and said with a smile on his face.

" If we wanted you dead, then I would have my men attack you right now..." Jenny saw the look in his eyes as he started to eat and said to him. " Why do you and that pice of shit who's sititng over there want to eat with me, arnt I your enemy?" 

Ircon looked at her and said with an annoyed look on his face. " He just want to get to know you a bit better before you become his bride tomorrow..."

Jenny looked at Ircon and said with a serious look on her face. " Sorry to disappoint you both, that is never going to happen..." Onrok lookes at her and said with a smile on his face.

" Oh, it is going to happen... So tell me what is the secret behind your healing abiliaties?" Jenny thought about what Ansel told her what he found out two weeks ago and said to them.

" There is no secret, its just something a goddess gave me before making me the Dimension Hero..." Ircon looked at her and said with a serious look on his face.

" I think you're lying girl..." She looked at Ircon and said with a confused look on her face. " Exouse me? I am telling the truth here, do you think I am lying?" 

Ircon lookes at her and said with a serious look on his face. " I do, because I have seen and meet every Dimension Hero before you, and none of them have had healing Abiliaties that makes their eyes glow." 

Jenny looked even more confused and said to him. " What are you talking about? my eyes have never glowed while my wounds were healing." Ircon lookes at her and said with the same look on his face.

" Are you sure about that? I think you're hiding something and I intendo find out what makes your healing powers tick..." Jenny crossed her amrs and said with an annoyed look on her face.

" You really piss me off right now, you know what I am going back to my cell if you are going to continue  interrogate me." She then got up from the chair and walked out of the door as Onrok said to her.

" Please stay, Miss Blackash..." Jenny just gave him the finger as she kept walking to the door and said. " Shut your fat hole..." Onrok just smiled as he drank from his cup of wine then said.

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