Chapter 6.

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Jenny woke up two hours later on the bed of the infirmary as the gemstone of her necklace started to glow again.

She felt a bit drowsy for a few minutes as she rememberd being impaled by that monster in the arena. the look of realization appeared on her as she quickly sat up looking around until her sight landed on Ansel in the other bed.

She looked at him as her cloths began to appeared on her body once again and said his name. Ansel slowly opend his eyes and looked at her with a tired look on his face only to have it replaced by a look of relief.

" Jenny, you're awake... how do you feel right now?" Jenny looked at him and said with a confused look on her face. " Confused... why I am doing in the infirmary? did Onrok order his men here after I lost?"

Ansel looked at her and said with a calm look on his face. " It wasnt Onrok who gave out that order... and you didnt lose..." 

Jenny still felt confused as she said to him. " Then...what happend?" Ansel wernt so sure to tell her the truth or not because he is afraid of how she will react.

He opend his mouth and was about to say something to her when one of the soliders came inside saying. " Dont you remember? you turned into a beast and killing that monster, Onrok and his Ally and nearly killed your friend here..."

Jenny looked at the Solider and said to him. " I did what?" The solider looked at her and said as he leaned against the wall. " You killed our leader and Iron... You really did a number on those two, and now most of us are stuck cleaning all that blood off the balcony because of you..."

Jenny couldnt believe what he was telling her and said as she was in a state of shock. " You...Youre lying... I couldnt have..." The solider looked at her and said with a serious look on his face.

" Its the truth... if you dont believe me then you are happy to see their remains... I am sure you would be happy to eat those..." Ansel sat up in the bed letting the sheet fall from his chest while saying to the soldier.

" Shut your mouth human!!" Jenny looked at Ansel and saw the bloodied bandages around his chest and said. " Ansel? what happend to your chest?" 

Ansel looked at Jenny and said to her with a calm look on his face while saying. " Jenny... its..." The look she saw in Ansel's eyes making her realize the solider were telling the truth as it all came back to her.

Her heart began to beating fast as she went into shock and throw up on the bed seeth. Ansel got out of his bed and went over to Jenny and said to her.

" Jenny, are you alright?!" Jenny didnt answer him as she was still in shock maing Ansel put his hand on her back saying. " Talk to me..." Jenny pushed him away from her saying while tears streaming down her face.

" Dont come near me!" Ansel saw the fearful look in her eyes a fear of him getting hurt by her. " Its okay... Its okay..." He gentely put wraped his arms around her as he started to comfurt her telling her its fine.

The solider looked at the two and said. " Faredo will come and see you two later... just to let you two know..." He then left while Ansel continued to comfurt her alone in the infirmary with a serious look on his face.

After a few minutes later Jenny had calmed down and was looking at the floor for a few secounds before saying. " I am sorry..." Ansel turned to look at her and said with a calm tone in his voice.

" What are you sorry for?" She looked at him and said with a guilty look on her face. " I... I could have killed you... and..." Ansel looked at her and said in a gentle tone of voice.

" Jenny... I am not mad at you for almost killing me..." Jenny looked at him and said with a guilty look on her face. " Almost killed you... I... I dont know how this happend...

Jenny in Serepith.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz