Chapter 3. Part 2/2

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Hours earlier -

When Ansel woke up near dawn he saw that Jenny is gone and got out of bed while saying in his Tribe's language. " That damn human, why dosent she never listen!?!"

He grabbed his spear and put it on his back before heading out of the door. He then made his way out of the cavern when Nymè saw and said to him.

" Ansel, Where are you going?" Ansel stopped to look at her and said with a serious look on his face. " I am going after Jenny, She get herself killed if she goes there."

Nymè lookes at him and said with a concearned look on her face. " You get killed yourself if you go there! Stay here and do as she told you to..." 

Ansel continued to make his way out of the cavern while he said. " She didnt order me to stay here..." Nymè watched as he left and silently prayed that nothing ill befalls him and that he dosent do anything foolish.

Once Ansel got to the surface he sniffed the air to find Jenny's sent and when he caught her sent he began to follow it. He followed her sent until he reached the Fortress and was about to cross the bridge when an arrow nearly hit him.

He quickly took out his spear and looked at the Soldiers aiming their crossbows at him. Ansel let out a growl before letting out a loud roar and charging towards the gate. the soldiers fired their crossbows at him but he managed to dodge every single one of them.

He then jumped up to the wall and used his spear to kill the soldiers on top of the wall. when the last soldier crawled away on the floor begigng him to have mercy on him.

Ansel was about to kill him when he got electroucuted for a split secound and collapsed on the ground. He was about to get up to see who had shocked him when chains wrapped around him making him struggle to get out of.

He heard a male voice saying to him as he heard him come closer. " What brings you here, my big furry friend?" Ansel turned his head and saw a man with short ginger hair wearing silver armor and a sword on his right side hanging from his hip.

He knelt down next to Ansel and said as he pushed his hair out of the way with a smile on his face. " What made you want to break into my Father's propety and kill his men at the gate?"

Ansel continued to struggle to get out of the chains wraped around him saying. " I am here for Jenny Blackash! now release me!" The man looked at Ansel as he got curious to why he was after Jenny. 

" The Dimension Hero? is she a friend of yours?" Ansel gave him a low growl while giving him a look that if he isnt released right now he is going to kill him.

The man saw the look he gave him and said with a smile on his face. " If you dont want to answer, then I guess I have to take you with me and ask her personally..."

He then grabbed the scruff of Ansel's neack and began to drag him into the Fortress as he continued to struggle getting out of the chains.

Once inside the man saw Jenny leaving the Arena saying to her. " Do you know this furry creature?" Jenny reconized Ansel and said with a suprised look on her face.

" Ansel? what are you doing here?!" The man looked at her and said with a smile on his face as Ansel still struggled to get out of the chains. " Ansel? is that his name? now answer the Question do you know him?" 

Jenny looked at him and said with a serious look on her face. " He's my friend, now let him go before I kill you where you stand!" The man gave her a smile before saying to her.

" As you wish..." He then snaped his fingers and the chains disappeared from Ansel's body and once those chains were gone. He quickly got up from the floor and went over to Jenny saying.

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