It Wasn't Supposed To End Like This

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"I wish I could take it back. I wish it didn't have to end like this.

But it did.

I knew who you were during the last moments. I saw you detransform in the alleyway a few blocks away from the school.

I was speechless. But that's all I ever am when I'm near you. Speechless.

When I had a crush on you, it was merely infatuation, but now that I know you and know that he was actually you, I fell deeper and deeper in love.

I know you wish you could scold for doing something so dumb.You would probably say:

"How could you?! I'm the one that is supposed to jump in front so you could use your cure!"

But I couldn't let you die. Not knowing it was you. Someone who could make me smile when I feel their presence. Someone who could make anyone smile no matter how bad their day was going. Someone who never loved halfway.

But now I'm stuck, watching you beat yourself over me when you shouldn't have to. Love. Love someone who loves you like you loved me and I you. I love you with all of my heart.

I'm sorry you have to go through all of this.

What hurts. What hurts me the most, is that I know you love me now. That we really could have been together. Fate is really sick and twisted, huh?

I'm sorry we couldn't get the future we wanted together. Maybe in some other universe, some other time, you and I will meet again and we can fall in love with each other all over again. But until then I have to go, mon coeur.

I love you so much, mon amour, mon ami, mon Chaton

Love ~ your partner, Marinette"

Adrien stayed in his room for the next week after reading that note. No eating, no sleeping, no anything. Just thinking how life could have been so different had he just paid attention.

"I love you too, mon coeur, mon ami amour, M'Lady"


It wasn't until he had cried himself to sleep on the fifth day that it hit his mind. He quickly transformed into Chat Noir.

Leaping towards the Dupain-Cheng apartment. He opened the hatch. The leftover perfume of her's brought his eyes to tears, but he quickly wiped them away.

Searching her room until he found it, Chat looked behind her trash can. Quickly opening it, he pulled out the rabbit miraculous.

Just a little while longer, my love

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