It Started With A Kiss

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(Not my story)

The memory itself was vivid, even if the details themselves were a bit fuzzy. But Marinette knew this much—the lips had been soft against her own, the pace slow and languid, and they certainly knew how to use their tongue, how to apply just the right amount of pressure as their hand tangled in her hair, greedily pulling her closer.

A perfect kiss.

Well, almost perfect. She still couldn't remember just who those lips had belonged to...

"I swear, girl, only you would experience the most memorable, mind-blowing make-out session of your life, and not even remember who the lucky guy is!"

As Alya gave her another comforting pat on the back, Marinette nodded morosely, emotionally spent from the memory alone. "It's not fair. I'm cursed, Alya," she despaired, arms dangling dramatically over the side of her chaise longue as she wallowed in self-misery.

"You got that right," replied her helpful, supportive friend.

"Are you sure you don't remember who I left with?" She asked again, desperately hoping her friend had suffered a mental-blackout like she had, and would have the answer ready to unwrap like a present.

"Sorry, girl. Like I said, I left early with Nino. Trust me, if I knew you were going to drink too much and have a sexy tongue-soiree after a self-imposed drought, I would've stuck around to film it for posterity."

"Gee, thanks," Marinette groaned, cursing the unfairness of it all. Apparently, all her Ladybug luck was on reserve for when she actually needed it to defeat akumas.

"Don't worry, we'll figure this out," her best friend assured her, a determined glint entering her eye as the seasoned journalist took over—nothing got her blood pumping like a mystery to solve. Climbing to her feet, Alya walked over to her rolled-up poster board and yanked down a nice clean page, then grabbed a marker and prepared to write. "Alright then, first we need to go over the list of suspects, starting with every single person that was at that party last night."

"All of them? There were a lot of people, Alya."

"Not that many, really. It was just our collége reunion, so let's start with the people that actually showed. Let's see," she hummed, thinking back to last night. "Adrien was there with Kagami, as usual. And Luka, Juleka, and Rose all came together. Max and Alix were with Ondine and Kim, and Mylene and Ivan arrived a little later."

"Nathaniel and Marc came too," Marinette added, even though she thought this brainstorming session was kind of silly. She couldn't imagine sharing a kiss with any of their old classmates... it was more likely she'd left the party alone and ran into some handsome stranger along the Seine.

"Right," Alya nodded, adding the final names to the list. "Alright then, all done."

"Really?" Marinette teased, glancing meaningfully at the poster-board. "You're sure you're not forgetting anyone? No one else comes to mind?" As Alya counted to stare at her blankly, Marinette giggled and added sweetly, "An adorable, newly engaged couple, perhaps?"

Realization dawned, and Alya chuckled as she rolled her eyes. "Alright, fine, me and Nino were there too, though I think it's safe to say the only lips we were rocking last night were each other's." But even so, she dutifully added both names to the list, as meticulous as ever. "Now that should be everyone."

With the list more or less complete, Marinette took a step closer to examine their handiwork. She supposed she should be grateful that Chloe, Lila, and Sabrina weren't on the list. At least she'd have one less nightmare to contend with; if it had been any of them, she'd rather cut out her tongue and live in denial forever.

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