Beauty is in the Tie of the Beholder

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For a long time, the students of Monsieur Agreste's last hour class would wonder why M. Agreste would always wear the same tie all the time.

There were times where he would spill his hot chocolate on the tie (his students quickly learned near the beginning of the year that preferred hot chocolate over coffee because he wasn't allowed to have it when he was younger) and come back with the tie looking brand new. No one could find out where he got that tie.

Monsieur Agreste was a reserved man. Nice, kind, caring, and smart but reserved. He rarely talked about his family, liking to keep that information private from his work life.

(Not that it would matter soon because Marinette begged him to model her new line this time and he couldn't say no to the mother of his unborn child)

It wasn't until one day, at the end of the school day, a student had tripped and spilled her coffee all over Monsieur Agreste, ruining the tie and the shirt under it.

She had apologized profusely, but M. Agreste just laughed and shrugged it off, saying that he was used to it because of how clumsy his wife is.

And then it happened. Monsieur Agreste came in... with the tie wrapped around his neck, perfectly cleaned!

"Ah, come on," the class yelled as he entered the classroom. "Okay, guys, I'm really feeling the love today."

The class stared at him. "What?" he asked, confused.

"Always with that tie!" a girl yelled from the back of the classroom. "Where do you even get that damn tie! No one can find it at all," another student said.

M. Agreste chuckled. "If the tie was really that big of a deal, you guys could have just told me," he said. "Where did you even get that cursed object?"

"My wife designs clothes. She makes them for me as a joke about something that happened when we were younger," M. Agreste explained, "Now, back to the whole school day thing. Since today is the last day before Christmas break, I have three movies for you to-"


"Merde!" a girl yelled as the class was about to end, dragging everyones' attention towards her.

"Julie, language," Monsieur Agreste scolded.

"Your wife is Marinette Agreste, the biggest fashion icon since Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois," she replied, looking up from her phone.

This caused a commotion in the classroom. "Wait, you guys didn't know?" M. Agreste asked in surprise.

"No!" the class yelled.

The bell rang, signaling the end of school and the beginning of Christmas break. "We can talk about this more after the break. Joyeux Noel!"


Marinette smiled as she gave Adrien his last present. "Another one? I thought I got them all?"

"I may or may not have hidden this one," Marinette smiled brightly. Adrien thought she looked beautiful especially because her smile has made her pregnancy glow even brighter. He couldn't understand how such a beautiful, smart, kind, caring creature could ever love him, but here she was starting a family with him.

Adrien took the box out of Marinette's hand and started to rip open the Ladybug-themed wrapping paper.

Inside the box was a bright yellow tie and on it was a picture of Mr. Banana holding his thumb up with a giant smile, wearing a big Santa hat on its stem. It was exactly like his normal tie, not including the Santa hat.

"Oh, my students are going to hate you," Adrien joked, pecking Marinette softly on the lips. "Look under the tissue paper."

Adrien removed the bottom layer of the tissue paper to find a blazer with a sort of similar design to the tie.

The background was yellow with white snowflakes and on the bottom right was Mr. Banana wearing glasses and a tie.

"You're never going to let me live this down are you?" Adrien teased. "Never ever, Kitty," Marinette said, taking Adrien's lip.

Oh, he was going to have a fun time trolling his students.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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