Sandboy 2.0

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(Chat Noir says M'Lady. Chat Blanc says My Lady)

Marinette was not happy. It was one thing when Chloe tripped her and made her spill her coffee on her white blouse but it was completely different when Hawkmoth decided to send an akuma at 3:00 in the morning.

She said a quick apology to Tikki before calling her transformation. And yawned as she exited her bedroom to go find the new akumatized victim.

"Hello," Chat Noir yawned, "M'lady."

"Hey Kitty Cat, where's the akuma?" Ladybug asked. "Right there," Chat pointed. Ladybug found a young boy on a pillow. One reminded her of an old akuma.

"My name is Sandboy 2.0 and now all of you will be afraid of your worst nightmares!" he yelled.

The boy flew over houses, screaming could be heard and people were rushing out of their homes. Clowns, sharks, puppets even.

Sandboy 2.0 noticed Ladybug and Chat Noir on the roof. "Ladybug, Chat Noir, hand me your miraculous or you''ll be living your worst nightmare!" he exclaimed.

"Let's get this over with Chat," Ladybug said. "Right at ya, LB," Chat said. Ladybug and Chat Noir swung from each building getting closer and closer to Sandboy.

Ladybug threw her yoyo but Sandboy moved away. Chat moved to where Sandboy and extended his baton right under him. Sandboy flew off before a hawk, who had been chasing his creator, came and swept him up.

Ladybug watched as Sandboy flew over her and spread the golden dust around her head. She stopped in fear and fell to her knees.

"Ladybug! Are you alright what happened?" Chat asked. "I don't know, I just froze," Ladybug said. The dust appeared again over the two and Chat looked at her.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the cat and bug or should I say the bug and I," a voice interrupted.

Ladybug looked to the building next to her and shot up. Her eyes widened as she saw the white cat that had been haunting her dreams for the past few months.

"Chat Blanc... you're not-supposed to be here," Ladybug said. "I guess you've been dreaming about me, My Lady. I'm not surprised though, you're always on my mind," Chat Blanc said.

"What do you want?" Ladybug asked.

"Why, your miraculouses of course. Well, the real ones at least," Chat Blanc said.

"I-I know where your akuma i-is," Ladybug stuttered out. "How adorable, it's just like your civilian self to do that. Pretend you're not scared when in actuality you are just as scared as everybody else. Tell me, My Lady, on a scale of 1-10 how scared are you right now?"

"I've already defeated you," Ladybug replied, Chat grabbing her arm and helping her up.

"You seem to be pretty shaken up, let's go and we'll come back to fight," Chat Noir whispered into her ear.

Ladybug nodded and they turned away. "I'll find you Bugaboo. I always do!"

Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped away and moved as fast as they could so Chat Blanc couldn't catch up to them. They landed in an abandoned building.

"W-Was that me back there?" Chat Noir asked. Ladybug just stood there in thought staring at the building's wall.

"Ladybug?" Chat called out.

"Hmmm," she replied. "W-Was that me out there?"

Ladybug turned around to look at her partner and shook her head with tears in her eyes. "Yeah...That was you," Ladybug said and put her head in her hands. Silent sobs could be heard echoing through the room.

Chat came up and put his hand on her shoulder. He definitely did not like it when his lady was crying.

"What was that whole conversation about?" Chat asked. Ladybug wiped the tears away softly.

"Do you remember that day when I came over to you and we looked at the sun set?" Ladybug asked.

Chat nodded his head.

"I-I had just come back from-from a d-different timeline. You-" she moved her head upwards to look at her partner, "You were akumatized and-and I had to fight you, and you kept saying, 'Our love did this''' Ladybug paused for a moment. "Everything was destroyed and underwater and I had seen Hawkmoth and me looking at you before you got akumatized.And it scared me so bad. You knew my identity and everything and you scared me. You knew me so well and I would freeze every time you said my name. It's the reason I've been rejecting you the past few months," Ladybug said.

Chat nodded at her when her words stopped him. "The reason? Don't you mean one of the reasons?" he asked. Ladybug shook her head. "No. I said what I meant. I would've- would- say yes to you if you asked but then I said I was going to wait until after we defeat Hawkmoth."

Ladybug just stared at the ground until she noticed that Chat Noir hadn't said anything yet. "Chat?" she said, looking up at her partner. He was just staring at her.

"You-You like me?" he stuttered out.

Ladybug stared into his eyes before gently pressing a kiss to his lips. It wasn't anything big but it was a good enough answer to him. She went to pull away but he smashed his lips onto hers again, hungrily.

She was surprised at first but then sank into the kiss. Ladybug's legs were about to buckle but Chat Noir snaked his arm around her lower back to support her up. They forgot about the akuma until they heard somebody yell outside.

They softly broke apart. "Now let's go get this copycat, Bug. You and me together," Chat said. She nodded softly with a smile. And with that they faced the foe known as Chat Blanc.

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