Chapter 32

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After having coming up with noteworthy questions together, Snow and Casey were ready to start this another kind of challenge

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After having coming up with noteworthy questions together, Snow and Casey were ready to start this another kind of challenge. Snow wrote it down in her notebook and left two blank spaces so they could fill out a response. It's supposed to focus on a future scenario of what they imagined their life could be like or whatever was current with them, and then what they'll do is to compare their answers at the end to match up to how compatible they are.

They didn't have to have the same responses, but they should have something fitting so it could determine what wavelength they were on. A feel of a "sneak peek" of what they had in mind.

Snow took out two different colored pens from her pencil case. "Do you want the blue pen or red pen?" she asked him.

"Red is fine," Casey answered.

She gave him the red pen and held onto the blue pen in her hand. They were sitting next to each other so it was quicker than going across from each other at the table. It was a nice day outside, but to compromise for his sake, they were in a shaded area to avoid the sunlight. 

They looked at the first question.

Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

Sunrises for her because it represented a new day and a new opportunity. It's kind of like God's way of saying, 'Let's start again.' She was someone that loved to say hi to the beautiful nature and thanked them for giving them a life. It's almost like a chance of rebirth.

Not to mention the peace and quiet when no one was around, and you could be the only one seeing its beautiful shine.

She wrote down sunrises in blue ink. Underneath her response, he wrote in red ink that said sunsets. So he preferred when the sun went down and enjoyed the moments before they were gone.

Do you think family is important?

She loved her parents; she wouldn't be anywhere without them. They were always kind to her and loving. When she was younger and needed a playmate, she played with her father because he had a more fun trait. And with her mother, she was the one who talked to her emotionally and gave her advice about things in life and what she should expect. Mistakes could be made, but what's important was what you learned from them and to consider how they made you feel about it.

Sure, sometimes they have scolded her for doing some things, but they were never harsh to her about it. They were cautious and looked at it another way for why it wasn't good for her. They were as reasonable as they possibly could.

They made her who she was.

Snow wrote down yes. She glanced at Casey's answer after he wrote down his answer, and it said so-so.

Do you see yourself with kids? 

She adored the idea of becoming a mother one day when she was old enough and had enough resources to take care of them mannerly and responsibly. Having kids was something that she wanted one day.

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