Chapter 33

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"It's okay, whenever you're ready," Snow said to Casey calmly

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"It's okay, whenever you're ready," Snow said to Casey calmly.

Casey rubbed his knee anxiously in a circle with his hand. He didn't want to go talking about things that should have never been talked about.

It was his least favorite thing, and it'd be better to keep them in private just along with everything else he knew, but it eventually came down to this.

Snow stared at him, eyes that looked on slightly curious but probing. She waited, wanting to hear everything he had to say and ready for it.

The two of them were sitting on the bench, and it was a quiet campus area with barely anyone around. The leaves rustled in the breeze and the sun gave light to a few trees, which were flourishing in yellow-green and red.

The prompt in today's challenge was about opening up things about themselves. Casey also kind of owed her in talking about that tragic ending of the night he hated.

The one where he saw his ex-friend, Ty.

Since Casey and Ty separated from each other, they were complete strangers. Casey never had to talk about his ugly past to anyone, especially not in thorough details. He was a complete loner after him.

He remained quiet, not knowing what's the first thing to say to her. Thoughts were rushing in his head. Should he start off with the main issue, the last time he heard of him, or the relationship between them before things had changed. Any of them could be crucial. His mouth wouldn't part open for words, and he felt his hold on his knee tightening stronger.

Snow put her hand on his arm and caressed lightly. Her mouth didn't move a muscle, but her facial expression was calm. It's as though she's telling him mentally, I'm here

His muscles relaxed, and he breathed it in deeply. He nodded to himself and looked at her seriously. "So I'll start with who Ty is. Do you remember when I said before that I had a friend who wasn't a friend anymore... that's him."

Her eyes widened with a little bit of shock. But she didn't say anything and she waited to hear more.

"He was a guy that was a thrill seeker and big-headed, but he has a sense of humor and tells it like how it is. He was cool when I first met him. We both had disliked the same teacher."

It was a start of an unlikely friendship, but they were getting well along.

"He's also the one I went to the movies with, but I purposely left out his name." He referred to him as "this friend" when he told her.

"We hung out a lot. We were each other lunch, passing period, and after-school friends. He was a solid bro." Ty noticed Casey and whenever he saw him, he made his way over to him and he could be talking about comic book characters, gaming, cars, or just anything. He'd be the one to always say something.

"Sounds like you two had a lot in common," Snow commented.

"We did. It was a good year, but then came around junior year, he started to act more big-headed than usual but I didn't say anything." He didn't want to think anything of it at first.

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