Chapter 6

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Casey walked into the coffee shop with Snow, just as the vintage interior and lounge jazz music being the first to greet them

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Casey walked into the coffee shop with Snow, just as the vintage interior and lounge jazz music being the first to greet them. There was a man who sat at a table with his cup, too busied staring at his phone. Looking around, the rest of the shop was vacant, and he expected that at 8 a.m. and partly why he liked coming here.

He showed her to the long counter, leaning his arm against it, as he saw the female worker with whom he was familiar. He saw the back of her long curly black hair tied into a ponytail, and she was casually sifting through the items.

"Hey, Luna," he called to her.

She turned around, her mouth moving to a grin and with eyes more wide awake than his. "Hello Casey." She looked at Snow. "Who's this?"

"An acquaintance."

Snow put her hand in a small wave, smiling softly. "I'm Snow."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Luna." She stepped closer to the counter where the register was in front of her. "Now what can I get for you both?"

"Americano," Casey said. Americano was his usual order whenever he came here and she knew, but she always asked out of courtesy. He looked at Snow who was scanning at the menu board on the wall behind Luna. It was just like the time she stood at the vending machine and she was deciding on what to get. She had a look of trying to concentrate.

She looked at each one, unsure about her choice and then going over it again.

He gave her a minute. "I'll have a White Mocha," she said.

After taking care of their coffee orders, they sat down at a square table while waiting for their drinks to be made. Snow looked back at Luna, and within the seconds passing by she's currently around the presence of a guy—another coworker—and they were chatting.

"You know her?"

Casey shrugged. "I come here sometimes."

He was nervous; he knew they didn't come here just to hang out. She was devising a plan of action, a plan to map out their relationship. But that's not what they begin with. Instead, taking him by surprise, Snow wanted them to get to know each other.

"What do you want to know?" he asked.

"Everything," she answered.

By saying everything looked like a deep subject for him and he wasn't going to be particularly deep with her. She wore on a sheepish smile. Maybe she didn't mean to blurt out everything as the context of everything wasn't everything.

"The basics." Of course, she meant to start easy. Snow continued, "What's your full name?"

Are we really going to that first step? Casey thought. "Casey Jennings."

"And your middle?"

"Why do you need to know my middle now?" he asked doubtfully.

"I'll tell you mine," she offered.

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