Chapter 18

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They met up early morning at the coffee shop, which was the same place when they first started to make the relationship agreement with each other

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They met up early morning at the coffee shop, which was the same place when they first started to make the relationship agreement with each other. The shop was empty, as usual, except for a few people who came to relax with their cup of coffee.

Casey sat with his Americano coffee, and Snow tried out a drink, which was a Caffe Latte with Caramel. As she was sipping into it, she expelled out a delighted sigh and stated that caramel was tasty for her.

"How did you sleep last night?" Snow asked first thing.

"Fine," Casey replied.

"I'm not a coffee drinker like you, but it tastes nice and perks you right up in the morning," Snow said, her eyes widened for emphasis.

Instead of telling her that because her drink had more milk to make it sweeter, he said, "I drink for that reason."

"It's nice that we get to eat breakfast like this for a little bit of change." She made it sound like she wasn't tired, but she probably was since her tone was a little dull than it would normally.

"Don't get used to it."

"I won't."

"So, how are you feeling now?" she asked concernedly.

"I'm tired... because it's morning," he remarked.

She shook her head in amusement. "Okay, I feel you, but like really, are you okay?" Her eyes looked in all seriousness.

Casey sighed. "I'm fine. I don't know. I'm still... not used to it." He tilted his head.

She knew that he meant that he wasn't used to doing things with her, and frankly, she couldn't blame him. In trying to keep up with the relationship between them, he thought that he might have brought her down with him. Snow didn't deserve that. She didn't need to stick around with someone like him, but she did. Casey got to give her credit for the patience so far. He hadn't heard her complain about it.

How did she do it?

"That's fine. It's still early, and we still have many more days to go. It's all right to feel what you feel," Snow convinced and nodded to him. "I get it."

"Did someone ever tell you that you are too good for your own good?" he observed as he couldn't believe it.

"No?" she said, confused.

The waiter came to their table with breakfast as he placed their plates in front of them. He told them to enjoy before he stalked off. Snow glanced at her omelet sandwich with ham and cheese curiously, desiring to eat it at this second.

When Casey was going to pick up the fork, his phone on the table alerted him with the text notification sound. He eyed at his phone then moved his gaze to Snow, to which she told him, "Don't mind me," as she put in a piece of her food to her mouth. He glanced at his phone, tapping on the screen, and Raquel's name had popped up.

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