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"Now just to warn you, I wasn't planning on doing an all nighter to get to Colorado. I'm gonna be doing some camping, maybe a little sightseeing, just a relaxing trip, and when we get there, we'll get there."

" I certainly don't mind. Not that I have a choice, seeing as I was kidnapped," I shrugged.

Wes shifted his truck into a lower gear and moved into the right lane, as if he was going to pull off.

"I'll let you off then."

I started to laugh, which turned to protesting as Weston braked and continued to slow.

"No no nooo I was just kidding don't stop please, thank you for letting me come with you, I'm sorryyyy!" I started to laugh again as Wes smirked at me and gunned his truck to pick up speed.

"Really, thank you Weston, I appreciate you very much."

He grinned at me then and I felt the butterflies go mad. Something about the Tennessee accent and the tilt of his mouth attracted me to him.

"Yeah well, I couldn't have just left you there. Not to mention your dad would have killed me if I'd done anything less."

"Good point actually. So are you moving to Colorado or...?"

"Naw, I'm keeping my house in Florida for now, I just wanted a good hunting property for elk season."

"Nice," I nodded my head. "Does it have a house?"

"Kindof. Cabin, shack, something like that."

"Cool. Did um...Melody not want to come?" I asked tentatively.

He shook his head. "No. Were not together anymore." He said it matter of factly enough that I couldn't gauge his actual feelings.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," I lied. I never liked the way she talked, or whined, more like it, to Wes, I couldn't even recall her natural voice because she always seemed to be whining about something.

She was pretty, but her personality overshadowed her looks.

"It's fine. I kinda always knew it wouldn't work out with her," he shrugged.

They had only just started dating when I moved away to my cousin's house, so I had only seen her a handful of times.

"So where are we going first?" I asked.

"Were camping tonight at a place called High Falls. Saw it online, never been there."



Several hours later we crossed a huge river that traveled in a ravine down the mountain and drove into High Falls state park.

I helped unpack the truck and started setting up the tent.

"Do you only have one tent?" I asked casually.

"No, but I only brought one."

I rolled my eyes and threw him two stakes.

When we were done with that he rigged up a hammock between two trees.

"Can I sleep in that? Or are you planning to?" I asked.

"If you're willing to get eaten alive by mosquitoes."

"Aw that won't bother me I've always wanted to sleep in a hammock."

"Alrighty then."

We cooked a dinner of hot dogs over the fire and had smores for dessert.

"You can know, I am impressed by the variety that is in your cooler, Sir. Most guys wouldn't think to bring all the ingredients for smores and yet you have them all," I said through a mouthful of marshmellow.

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