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Sunday morning I slept in late, because I hadn't been able to fall asleep until well past midnight, and so it was a scramble for me to get showered and dressed for church in time, but I made it. I wore a soft lavender collared dress with thin straps and a filmy skirt that flowed delicately around my ankles, paired with nude colored sandals. On my way out the door I had to fight not to glance over at Weston's house.

"Honey." My dad tapped my shoulder as we walked down the drive to his truck.


"Wave. Wes is waving at us."

I stiffened and turned in the direction of his porch, just in time to see Weston, who was sitting on his front porch with a coffee, dropping his hand.

I raised my hand and gave a little wave, and even though we were far away, I could see his smile.

"What's that look on your face?"


He slammed his door and I slammed mine, and he stared up the engine.

"You look like your cat died. You still have a crush on him, don't you?"

"What? No, of course not. Oh my gosh dad..." I shook my head. "That was forever ago, I can't believe you remember that even."

He just snorted and put the truck in drive, thankfully dropping the conversation.

My whole family had gone to the first Baptist at the end of Main Street for as long as we'd lived in this town, and so I was expecting for most of the church to react the way they did when they saw me again after the service; every single person there said hello and gave me a hug and had to talk to me for ten minutes, which was great, but we weren't going to get home until 2:00 in the afternoon at that rate.

I was making my way steadily towards the door, looking back at my dad as I dragged him by the arm, because he was in no hurry at all, when I backed into someone.

I turned around and looked up at Mike Tyler, who broke out into a grin.

"Why, I was just talking to you last night wasn't I?" He asked.

I began to cry internally.

"Ahh yep, that was me sir, yes it was."

"Why, I didn't even recognize you," he said.

"Yes, well it's been a bit since I was home so it's quite understandable," I said with a smile.

"Hey Dan, I've been meaning to ask you about that lumber you've got for sale in your front yard," Mike said, already moving on to my dad. I'd swear that man has ADHD.

My dad turned around and immediately became immersed in conversation with Mike, and I gave up on getting out of there with him.

"Hey Dad, I'm just going to walk home if that's all right," I said.

"Okay honey," he said distractedly.

I ducked out the door and jog down the steps quickly, hoping not to run into anyone else.

It was a good 2 miles back home, and so I took off my sandals and walked barefoot. I'd always walked home from church when I was younger, it was a safe town and mostly dirt roads one w you got away from Main Street, shaded by oak trees and edged with wooden fences and horse pastures, hayfields and farms.

I'd gotten albout halfway  when I heard a vehicle slowing down behind me.

I turned around and saw an infamous red truck, and panicked internally.

There was no way I was going to ride in a truck ever again with Weston Travers.

He pulled up alongside me and rolled his window down, and I saw to my relief that it was Matt and not Weston.

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