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"Goodmorning," someone said, messing my hair up.

"Добрый утро," I muttered.


"Morning." I mumbled again.

"That's not what you said."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Weston was smiling confusedly at me from where he knelt next to the couch.

"I said goodmorning."

"In what language?"

"The most excellent language of Russian."

"How do you know Russian?"

"I don't. I think I know four-hundred and three words so far. According to Duolingo."

"Fucken homeschooler," Weston snorted.
" Well, it's time to get up brainiac."

"It's dark. Why are you even awake?" I whispered, looking around the dim living room.

" I wake up early."

"Well I don't."

" You can go back to sleep if you want, but we're all going fishing this morning so if you want to come I'd suggest you get dressed, the other guys are outside getting the boat ready."

I sat up quickly and threw off my blanket. "I'm coming, don't leave without me."

I remembered I was only in a T-shirt and underwear though and quickly yanked the covers back over my lap.

Weston smiled and handed me my shorts that I'd tossed to the ground last night.

"I'll be outside."

I met him once I had freshened up for the day outside down in driveway where the truck was running and hooked up to a modest sized fishing boat. The dodge was so jacked up I couldn't get in on the first try, and Weston ended up gripping my waist and unceremoniously tossing me into the truck, stepping in after me and shutting the door.

" Wow, and you say she's not your girlfriend Wes, that's the first time I've ever seen you sit in the backseat for anybody," scoffed the youngest.

"Shut up before I decide to take shotgun," Wes retorted, putting his arm behind me on the seat.

I knew it was nothing, but once again it felt protective, and I loved that feeling.

We drove half an hour though the hills until we reached a wide river.
Matt backed the boat in and we all boarded it while he went to park.

The river was shallow and clear, and many large fish darted under the surface.

They set up the trolling motor and we moved gently through the water as some began baiting their hooks.

"Here Avery, I baited this one for ya," Derek said, handing me a pole.

"Thanks," I smiled and took it. I was already fond of this red haired boy. Granted he couldn't have been more than a year or two younger than me, but his mischievous smile just gave an air of comeraderie.

We fished for several hours and ended up with mostly catfish and a few bass, and they were huge. I didn't catch any.

"Are we gonna keep them?" I asked.

"You like fish?"

"Yeah. "

"Well keep 'em then." Weston nodded.

I was used to boats and having to brace myself, but I wasn't paying attention when Davie started up the main motor and throttled it, causing me to lose my balance and stumble, landing halfway in Matts lap.

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