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We made eye contact immediately, and he smiled, but then the smile dropped, replaced by recognition.

He turned around just as Weston walked through the door, and said something to him in a whisper.

My gaze was fixed on Weston, wanting to look away so he didn't see me but unable to, and so when Weston whipped his head in my direction, he looked me square in the eyes.

His mouth was parted a little, and he looked the same way I felt. Stunned.

I was painfully aware of how I was sitting on Dego's lap, his arm around my waist, mine around his neck.

I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, and he didn't either for several time stopping seconds.

Then he slowly took a step in my direction, shouldering past his brother, and kept walking until he was standing right in front of Dego and I.

I heard Mike Tyler stop talking, and he acknowledged Weston with a casual greeting, and Dego looked to me, because it was obvious I was the only one Weston was looking at.

"Avery. Been a long time. What brings you around?" He asked casually, his burning gaze anything but casual.

My blood was pounding so loudly in my ears. I could barely hear my own words, but I managed to speak coolly.

"Just back home for a visit."

He nodded, then glanced from Dego to me, waiting for an introduction apparently.

"Dego, this is Weston, my dads neighbor. Weston, this is Dego." I said curtly. I felt such guilt, strangly, guilt from both ends, but I definitely shouldn't have, I owed nothing to Weston, in fact, he is the one who insisted that I date other people. Ironic that Diego had at least ten years on him, after all his talk of me experiencing life with people my own age.

"Ah, gotcha."

Dego nodded; neither bothered to shake hands.

I didn't introduce Dego to Weston any further, and some devilish urge made me curl my arm tighter around Dego's neck.

Weston saw, and he understood. He took a step back.

"Well, if you're going to stay any longer, drop by for a visit, we could start up the grill, tell your dad to come over," he said, smiling, barely.

"Thank you, I'll see what he says, that would be fun," I said, smiling cooley.

He nodded, his gaze still magnetized to mine.

"Good to see you again Ave," he said, making me stiffen at the name. His eyes were gentle, and it made me angry, because it made me want to forget.

"Yeah. You too," I exhaled shakily, and he walked away to my relief, because I felt myself losing grip on my control.

I watched as he joined Matt at the bar, and got in on the conversation Kevin and Matt had going.

I released the breath I was holding, and forced myself to stop staring, I didn't want Dego to ask me about Weston. It was a long, confusing story that I did not want to rehash.

He had tightened his arm on my waist in response to mine around his neck, and now I regretted it. I hoped he didn't get the wrong idea, but I was afraid I had purposely given it to him.

I smiled at him and moved off his lap, standing next to him once more.

Amazingly, for the first time in my life that I knew of, Mike Tyler got the hint.

"Well, I don't want to hold you folks up any longer, enjoy your meal, it was great talking to you," Mike said, standing up and slapping Dego on the back.

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