Ch 2: Grooming Session

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Alexandra (Alex) POV: 

Work was nice and today. We only had 2 little dogs in today and they were picked up immediately after being finished. My best friend, Allison, and I both work at a small local grooming salon for dogs. It's just part time since we're both juniors in high school. I was just going through the schedule for the upcoming week when I hear the bell ring. I look up and I am meet with two large guys and a large black shepherd looking dog. I've seen them around before. They go to the high school across town. It's basically an execlusive high school for the rich. They all keep to themselves and pretty much ignore you if you are not in their little groups. I'm suddenly pulled out of my throats when the one guy starts talking. 

"Hi, I was wondering if you took any walk in appointments. By the way, I'm Sean nice to meet you." I was shocked at how deep his voice is. It was so husky and velvety. I notice his friend is staring at Allison but I pay no attention. 

"We are taking walk in todays since its a slow day. I'm Alexandra, but everyone just calls me Alex or Lexi. I answer to both. May I know what you want done?" While were talking I notice his dog is just staring at me. Although for some reason his stare began to make me feel self-conscious. Suddenly before we were about finalize everything, his friend spoke asking if we could take another dog. I was shocked considering I would have thought the guy would bring both his dogs in at once but I just decided to forget it. I took hold of his dog's leash and noticed his collar said "hot thang" I couldn't help but laugh a little. In a few moments, he walks in with another dog. It was a gorgeous grey shepherd dog. He was large but not as large as the black one. We go over the same thing as we did with his first dog. He pretty much wants the same thing done for this dog but without dying the dogs coat. We finalize everything and I ask how he wants us to handle his dogs, since he wants the dogs to stay out of a kennel and then he hands over the leashes and leaves. Once he's out of the door, I call Allison out of the back. 

"Hey Allison, we just got two walk ins. I was asked to do Xavier, the black one, and you were asked to do Luca, the grey one. He wants Luca to just get bathed, groomed, and basic hygiene. He told me that he didn't want them to be placed in the kennels so we'll be keeping them with us until he arrives to pick them up. Any questions?" She looks a little shocked at first. We normally don't get walk ins. Once she looks less shocked, I hand her Luca's leash and lead Xavier to the bath. 

Xavier has probably been the easiest dog I have ever handled. He has just sat there and let me do what I need to get done. I noticed the entire time, he just stares at me like he's lost in thought or something. I've  already  completed his bath, groom, and hygiene. The only thing left is coloring him. I haven't been able to decide where I want to add color. I was given complete control of where I dye. It's such a shame to color such a gorgeous coat but I have to do what was asked. I decide I am just going to the tip of his tail and ears, I was asked to color him pink so I began to start the dying process. I'm about to finish when suddenly Allison walks in and she looks kinda annoyed. 

"This dog keeps staring at me. All he is doing is staring and its starting to creep me out." She then notices that Xavier is doing the same thing to me and lets out a loud annoyed groan. "I'm going to call their owner again since you're finishing up with him. Hopefully he'll be able to pick them up right away. The staring is really creepy." I just node and finish up. 

Once I'm done, I walk out of the back with Xavier following. I walk over to the computer and finish up the schedule for the upcoming weeks. Xavier  seems very content just laying on the floor against my leg so I just leave him be. He's actually quite cute when he's not staring at you for hours. We go on like this for hours. Allison is still complaining about Luca staring but I noticed that as long as Xavier is touching me he doesn't stare so I just tolerate it. We're currently in the back restocking and cleaning up a bit when suddenly we hear the bell ring again. Allison rushes to the front. I just follow behind her with my new shadow, Xavier, not to far behind. When we get out there, I expect to see Sean but instead I'm meet with my brother and boy does he look mad. 

The Alpha's Groomer [Semi-Paused]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon