Ch 32: The Drop Off

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Theo's POV: 

Ever since Alex left, I haven't been able to talk with her. It's been the whole weekdays. I know school and other stuff is going on, but I was really hoping I could tell her before this weekend. Xavier has been all over the place lately and I have done pretty much everything I can do alone to calm him down. I'm just worried if I have to go to her house for the weekend and Xavier acts up, it'll just take that much longer for me to be able to tell her the truth. It's now Friday and Xavier is being extra annoying and hard to handle. I've gone for a run almost twice a day every day this week so far and it hasn't been any help at all. I don't know what else I could try. I'm hoping he'll be calm by the time we have to go to Alex's. The last thing I need is him being his cranky grumpy self. Before I know it, the last bell rang and everyone was leaving. I was putting stuff away in my locker when suddenly Sean comes over with a huge grin on his face. 

"Soooooooo are you ready for this weekend?" Of course, he had to do it in his usual sly tone with a smirk. He literally acts worse than my little siblings sometimes. 

"You do realize that since I am still your alpha so, therefore, I could make you train double what everyone else is right?" His face drops immediately and I just smirk. I would never do that, that's an abuse of my power, but that doesn't mean he knows that. With that, I walked out of the school and got into my car. Carter has been driving himself lately so I only have to wait for Sean. Sean jumps in the car and as I pull out, Sean looks at me. 

"You wouldn't do that. You know you love the idea of spending a whole weekend with your mate." He says confidently. 

"You're right, I would've loved a whole weekend with my mate...But I would've wanted it to be in human form so I could actually cuddle with her and kiss her and do those cheesy/cringy boyfriend-girlfriend stuff with her. Instead, I'm going to be stuck being treated like a dog. And what's worse is that Xavier has been acting up all week and not his normal self so now I have to worry about him doing something."I say as I drive us back to the packhouse. I can tell by his body language that he's actually now concerned about me making him train double for a bit. I know I should correct him, but instead, I think I'm going to let him sweat it out. We sit in comfortable silence until we get back to the packhouse. 

Once inside, Sean runs straight to his room. Probably hoping if he doesn't see me before I shift, that I wouldn't be able to make him train double. Anyways, I make my way to my room and start putting stuff away. Since I'm not going to be here this weekend, I want to make sure everything is taken care of for when I get back. I tidy my room up a bit, put my school stuff, and start working on a bunch of pack-related stuff. While I'm working on stuff, Xavier starts to get antsy and annoying again. I try my best to ignore it but eventually, it got to the point where it was hard to ignore. He kept growling and pacing in my head. He's been extremely mad that he doesn't get any time with mate. I keep trying to explain to him that he cant be with mate yet because he would scare her off. But all I get is him mumbling in between growls how stupid it is and that he has every right to spend time with her as well. He's even gone as far as to remind me that if I didn't have him, then I wouldn't know she's my soulmate and I would be alone and miserable forever. I know it's gotta be hard for him. Most alpha males get to spend time with their mates in wolf form at least three to four times a week for an hour or longer, so for him to have to wait so long, I can understand but he needs to understand we're going at human pace. He finally starts settling down. I was confused at first because I could've sworn he was getting ready to start another argument but instead, he just stopped and basically just went and laid down. Maybe he's finally got it into his thick skull. I continue my paperwork for a while then suddenly there's a knock. I tell them to enter and it's Sean. I finish what I was doing and check the time. I've got five minutes before we have to head out. I put everything away and make my way to my room. I know I should shift outside but I just don't feel like leaving my clothes somewhere or shredding them when I shift. I shift and walk out to Sean who's waiting on the other side of my door. 

"Ready to go I see alpha," he says with another smirk as we make our way out. I think he figured out I was bluffing. Maybe one day of double training wouldn't hurt after all. Once we're outside, I get into the back of his truck and we make our way to Alex's house. The car ride is not too long so before I know it, we're there. I go to get out of the truck, but before I could even do that, suddenly Xavier just charges and takes full control. I wasn't even ready to fight him for control. I tried taking control back but only to fail. I now know why he didn't start the argument, he was preparing to take control. I keep trying to take control back but only to fail. I can tell Sean noticed by the way he suddenly got ridged. Xavier walks over to the door and waits for Sean. Sean looks at my eyes in hope I can take control but unfortunately as of right now, I cant. Sean just sighs and hits the doorbell. Not long after, Alex walks out. This is going to be one difficult weekend.

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