Ch 9: New Friend?

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Alex's POV:

I'm awoken to the sound of my lovely alarm clock. Please note the scarsm. I dont think I'll ever not hating waking up. Let's face it sleeps so much better. Anyways I look at the time and notice that Ive only got three hours before hanging out with Allison. For once I don't have work. Allison still does though but only in the morning so we figured we'd do some shopping in the afternoon once shes off work. Since I have a goof four hours before she's done I figure I might as well start my day. I get up out of bed and immediately brush my hair and throw it into a pony tail. Once my hair is out of the way, I go into my closet and pick out some leggings and matching sports bra. After finding something I like, I finish up in my room then walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Finally done, I grab my phone and AirPods, then make my way down stairs. 

When I get downstairs, I notice no one is home. My family is pretty much always busy. Especially my parents. You'd be lucky to even find them in the same room longer than five minutes. But hey I'm not complaining. I get to do whatever as long as Im back by curfew and dont cause any trouble. In case I didn't mention, my mother is one of the best neurosurgeons in the world and my father is the most ruthless lawyer in the country, if not world. The only one in my family I normally see in the morning is my brother. Dylan and I both just stuck together in our childhood and still do. Normally I'll see him in the mornings but I'm guessing he stayed at Allison's last night. Anyways, after wondering around the kitchen, I decide that I'll just grab something to eat after my run. With that being said, I leave a note on the fridge and then grab my phone and leave. 

I start running and immediately realize that I have no clue where I'm running. I start to think of where I should run. I could run through town and get breakfast much faster that way, but it gets boring seeing nothing but buildings and hearing car horns over my music. So before I'm too close to town, I take the left and decide to run through the woods. There's an amazing trail that runs along the entire town perimeter and then I'll just have to take a quick five minute run from there to get breakfast at my favorite coffee shop. 

I'm about ten minutes into my run when I begin to have the feeling I'm being watched.  I stop my music and put my AirPods away. I look around and shout to see if anyone's out there. No response and I don't plan on staying to wait for one. I decide to take off before I end up like the girls in horror movies. I don't even bother to put my music back in. It's not worth the risk in my opinion. Not even three minutes later, I get the same feeling. This time when I stop I hear footsteps. I look behind and see no one so just as I'm about to take off running again. I come into contact with a brick wall. Not a literal brick wall, obviously, I'm in the woods. I go to get up when suddenly I see a hand. I take the hand and when I'm finally on my feet I'm met with the most beautiful shade of green I've ever seen. I look at him for a few minutes. It's just silent, not even the animal were making a sound. Don't get me wrong it wasn't uncomfortable silence but still. I was about to break the silence but he beat me to it. 

"Im so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. Normally I dont run into people on this trail. Ive noticed that a lot of people like running around in town." I couldn't get over how deep his voice sounded. It wasn't a bad deep either. It was a nice low husky silky voice. Most guys would have to lower their voice, on purpose to get it that deep, but you could tell he wasn't. 

"It's fine. I should've watched where I was going. I don't think Ive seen you around before. I'm Alexandra but every calls me Alex or Lexi. Are you new here?" I put my hand out to shake his but instead I'm shocked as he kisses the top of my hand. 

"I'm actually not new here. Ive grown up here since I was little. I just don't think we've had the opportunity to meet yet. Although I must say I am very glad to meet you Alex. I'm Theodore but everyone calls me Theo. And before you ask, no I was not named after the chipmunk that sings." I couldn't help but laugh. The thought of this guy being named after a chipmunk is hysterical. He's gotta be at least six foot six or seven and pure muscle non the less. He doesn't fully tower over me. I was lucky and did get some height from my parents, making me a solid five foot seven. 

"Well I think it would've been adorable to be named after a chipmunk but to each their own. If you've grown up here since you were young why haven't I seen you around before?" He looks a bit nervous but quickly hides it. 

"I attend Mountain Saint John. If you haven't noticed by now we aren't exactly the most friendly all the time." I just stare at him with a small smile on my face. Most people from Mount Saint John just ignore everyone so him talking to me is shocking. He must've caught on because before I could even respond he takes a step closer. "So I am fully aware of the reputation we have but lucky for me I'm hoping to change that. Two friends of mine, along with myself, have decided to transfer to Lakeview for our senior year. And I would really like it if we could be friends." He looks really nervous as he waits for my response. 

"Well Theo, on behalf of Lakeview High, welcome. And I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Now I know this is kinda straight forward but I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me on the rest of my run then stop at the best coffee shop. Then we can get to know each other a bit better." Once I finish talking, I notice he lets out a small breathe. I guess he was a little nervous. He nods and we start to run again. While running we make a bit of small talk. 

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