Ch 40: Doctors

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Alex's POV: 

I started driving off to Theo's house. I feel a little bad about lying to Sean but technically I'm not lying. I am going to Sean's house. It just happens to be Theo's house as well. Once I got to Theo's house, I park my car and turn it off. I went to get out of the car but before I could, Theo grabbed me by my waist. I turned to him and noticed he was just checking my wrist. I sigh and tried to get out of the car again. Theo took one more look at my wrist and then he went and got out of the car. Just as I was getting out of my car, Theo was there and started leading me the opposite way of his house. 

"Where are we going? Your front door is literally right there." He stopped and turned around. 

"I'm taking you to the pack doctor. I want to make sure it's not a bad sprain or worse broken." I just nod my head and walked along with Theo. Once we got to a small building just a few minutes down from his house. As we entered, I noticed how it resembled a nice small family doctor's office. I thought it was cute. We were just about to hit the bell when a lady appeared and walked over to us. 

"Good morning Theo, who is this lovely lady you have with you?" 

"This is my mate, Alexandra. I need the doctor to check her wrist." She looks at my wrist and takes a deep breath in. 

"Of course Theo. Right away." She opens the small gate dividing the waiting area from the back and we follow her back. We walked into the small room and it had to be the cutest little doctor room I've ever seen. It had adorable mountains and woods around the bottom of the wall and even had some cute little wolves and other wildlife around it. We were sitting in the office for maybe a minute before Theo started pacing. 

"You do know it's just my wrist. I'm not dying or anything." I tell him trying to get him to stop pacing around. 

"You don't know that. You could have ruptured veins or arteries or you could have even hurt your tendons or you got a bone chip of some sort you don't know you could have been seriously injured and you just wanna know because you didn't get the test done." I just sigh and shake my head. Theo goes back to pacing for another minute before I interrupt his pacing. 

"Will you at least sit with me?" Theo didn't seem to pay attention as he kept pacing. I don't think the injury is that bad but if Theo is going to act like I'm dying, maybe I should try something else. I start to cause some fake tears and try sniffling a little. Theo immediately stops and looks at me. 

"What's wrong? Does it hurt more? Should I grab the doctor? What should I do? Tell me and I'll do it!" Theo is frantically scanning me over for any other injures and I just shake my head. 

"Could you just sit with me? Please I really just need you to hold me right now." I let out a few more sniffles and a few more tears. Theo stops and then he carefully pulls me into his lap. I snuggle into his chest a bit and then the doctor comes in. Once the doctor sees us, he clears his throat. Not a second later, I heard him try to cover a laugh. I then realized that Theo is still in his lovely pink outfit courtesy of Sean and start to laugh a little. Theo looks at me weirdly and then I pull his hoodie. That seemed enough to remind him because then he slammed his head into the palm of his hand. The doctor waited a minute before he started to talk.

"Hello future aljpa and luna.. I hear that you're here because future luna hurt her wrist." I just nod my head. The doctor went to look at my wrist but stopped once Theo let out a growl. "Of course, I'm sorry future alpha. May I?" Theo nods and then the doctor takes my hand and elbow into his hands. He looks at my wrist and touches it lightly. I wince and that immediately got Theo's attention. The doctor apologizes and then continues looking at it. "I think that future luna will need to get her wrist x-rayed and possibly a cat scan so we can see the tendons and such." I just nod and go to get up. Theo went to get up as well but before he could leave the room, the doctor told him that he couldn't come. Theo let out a small growl in annoyance but then went back to pacing in the room. I followed the doctor and got the scans done. 

The scans only took about ten minutes but once I got back to the room, Theo immediately pulled me into him. He acted as if he hasn't seen me in a year. I just sigh and let him hug me until he seems content. After about five minutes, Theo goes to sit back down on the counter and pulls me onto his lap. The doctor must've just finished looking at the scans because when he walked in, he had an arm brace and a few papers. 

"I looked at your scans and nothing is broken. But it defiantly does look like a really bad sprain. I'm going to have you wear the brace for a week or so. You'll have to ice it for ten minutes a day until the swelling and bruising goes down. I also wrote you a note for school. You won't be able to do any physical activity for a bit so I got you out of gym until further notice. I also noted that you may need or want to consider having someone write notes for you. If not, you could just type out notes." I nodded and then I noticed that Theo seemed to be really interested in it. The doctor then handed Theo his own paper and I noticed that it was just a bunch of things he could do to help me. After that, we left and made our way back to his house. 

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