Ch 13: Calculus

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Alex's POV: 

After leaving Theo and his friends, I couldn't help but notice that I feel a bit disappointed about leaving him. I shrug it off and make my way to calculus one. Yes I am aware I'm a junior but I definitely  got the brains from my parents. I'm in a bunch of senior classes and a few college ones along with my required junior classes. I take my seat by the windows and stare out the window for a little while. The bell rings indicating that we have three minutes before class. I start to grab my iPad and stylus to start writing notes. Just as I'm putting everything down, I hear someone pull a chair out next to me. I look up and smile. 

"Hey Theo what a surprise seeing you here." He looks at me and I'm met with a huge smile. I'm so glad you can't tell if I'm blushing. He takes out his stuff and then looks back at me. 

"I thought you said you were junior. What are you doing in a senior class?" I just give him a fake pout and attempt puppy eyes. 

"Do you not want to see me? Is that what you're trying to say?" I still keep my fake pout but let a small fake tear fall. Let's just say crying on cue is the best thing I've ever learned. Theo looks taken back and immediately moves me so I'm facing him. He takes his hand and wipes away my tear. 

"Of course I didn't mean that. I am so glad you're in the same class as me. It just makes this class so much better." He looks really sad and I couldn't help it. I started laughing. 

"I didn't think you would fall for it. God that was funnier than I thought. I'm in this class because I got a bunch of brains from my parents. I'm still in a few junior classes though. Let me see your schedule. Maybe we have a few classes together." I stick out my hand waiting for him to hand his schedule over just as he's about to, the teacher walks in and starts class. I give him a small smile and grab his schedule while the teacher does her normal class attendance and announcements. I grab a sticky note from my bag and write out the classes we have together. I hand the paper back to him with the sticky note. He smiles at me and goes to whisper something. 

"So let me get this straight, we have five out of nine classes together. That sounds like heaven to me." He then winks. I couldn't help but laugh a bit. Resulting in me getting a glare from the teacher. 

"Sorry Ms.Blackheart, I didn't mean to interrupt your oh so important attendance. You can continue..... Oh and in case you didn't notice I'm here by the way. Wouldn't want you to miss out on my presence." I get a few laughs and an eye roll from Ms.Blackheart. Don't get me wrong, I'm normally really respectful but me and Blackheart have never gotten along. Her last name really represents her personality. I look over at Theo and he's got a sly smile and then class starts. An agonizing fourth minutes later class ends. While everyone's packing up their bags, I hear Theo clear his throat. I turn to him and smile. 

"So I noticed we have class together next and I was hoping you could show me the way there." He looked kinda noticed. I don't really know why though. I'm about to speak when suddenly Sean jumps into the conversation. 

"Hey Alex, I gotta say the groom job you did on my two dogs was amazing. I'll definitely have to come back to get them done again. Especially Xavier!!! I loved what you did with his ears and tail. I might have to have you do a rainbow next time." I noticed that when he was talking, he was making faces. Not obvious faces but faces none the less. I also noticed that Theo looked kinda annoyed when he mentioned his dogs and getting Xavier done again. Maybe he isn't a dog person. 

"Of course I would love for you to bring them back. They were such a blast to have. Especially Xavier, he looked so cute when I finished with him." I smile back at the memory. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when suddenly Sean suddenly points out that Theo's blushing. Theo immediately shoves him and then grabs me as we walk faster away from him. I decide to change the topic. 

"So how do you like going here so far?" He takes a minute to respond. I look at him and notice it looks like he's in deep thought. I keep my hand where he originally had it and lead him to the second class. Once we get in and he's seated, I notice he realizes were here. 

"I'm sorry, I was completely lost in thought. What were we talking about again?" I laugh a bit, I go to speak but the teacher cuts me off. Class continues and finishes and we do a bit of small talk here and there. I noticed that during this class, Theo always sat close to me. I'm guessing it's because I'm the only one he knows in this class. Class goes by quick and before we know it, class is over. My next two classes I have with Allison and I can't wait. Normally we just talk and gossip a bit. I ask Theo if he wants me to help find his next class but apparently his next class is right by mind. On our way there, Theo and I talk a bit and then we end up running into his friends. I already know Sean but I still have no clue who the second guy is. I think Theo realizes and before I know it, he's introducing me. 

"Hey Alex, so I know you know my friend Sean, but this is my friend Carter. He's a lot of fun once you get to know him." I smile at him and stick my hand out to shake hands. We get a bit acquainted and then Allison walks over to me. 

"You do realize that Dylan isn't going to be happy if he finds out you're being friends with them." She sounds a bit annoyed. Her and Dylan have been together for a year or so. Normally whenever I piss Dylan off her complains to her and then we talk about it and make fun of it. It's always hilarious. 

"And you realize that I dont listen to Dylan EVER! Plus if we dont disobey him than we wont have anything to make fun of." Allison looks at me for a minute and just shakes her head. Whether she likes to admit it or not, she loves our little chats about Dylan's rants. I notice that Carter is staring at her and then I realize her Carter and Theo have yet to be introduced. 

"Before I forget, Theo this is my best friend Allison. Allison this is my new friend Theo. And Allison this is Theo's best friend Carter, Carter this is my best friend Allison." After making introductions, we talk for another minute before the last warning bell goes off. Allison and I make our way to class while the boys go the other way. Allison gives me the look and I have a feeling there's a lot of gossip and stuff about to go down. 

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