Ch 30: Having the Talk

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Theo's POV: 

Talking with my dad was the worse idea I have ever had. And that's saying a lot. The moment we sat down he immediately started talking about the birds and the bees and how I need to make sure that everything I use fits properly and does not have any holes in it. I immediately shut it down but still, I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that. After finally getting him to stop, I managed to get him to start talking about telling Alex about werewolves. He had astonishment. I don't think he realized that this is what I needed to talk about. He just smiled and started telling me how other pack members told their mates. It was truly helpful. After the chat with my dad, I went to check how Sean and my mate's day went. Of course, Sean had to ruin everything and set me up at my mate's house like a wolf for a weekend. I wanted to end him. I ended up listening to Xavier and agreed that it would be a good excuse to spend time with mate. Anyways, I went to bed afterward and planned on trying to talk to Alex tomorrow. 

I woke up the next day and immediately got up and ready. I was ready for her to know so that we could actually be together. I ran into the kitchen and was about to leave when I realized that I needed to make sure a friend was free. I then ran back upstairs and woke up Sean. 

"Sean, I need you to be free today so I can show Alex about werewolves if necessary." Sean just waves his arm at me and groans. I take that as a yes and just run back outside. 

I ran downstairs and left my house. I've gotta find Alex. I end up just walking around town hoping to bump into her. Eventually, I find her and notice that she is on the phone. I just lean back and wait for her to finish her conversation. I couldn't help but east drop a bit. I didn't want to but my curiosity got the best of my way. I find out that her parents are coming to town for a bit. I feel Xavier stand a bit more proud in my head. I get that he wants our mate's parents to be proud that we're going to be a part of their family and that he wants to make a good impression but come on. At the mention that's kinda ridiculous. Anyways, after she finishes the conversation, I walk over and start chatting. I wanted to tell her right then and there but apparently, she had to go and talk with her brother. I don't blame her. I just tell her that it's okay and I'll see her on Monday. I end up just walking home. Once I'm home, I'm meet with Sean in the kitchen. I assume he's waiting for Alex to come in behind me. 

"She's not here. She's gotta talk to her brother about something important." He just nods his head and goes back to eating. I walk into my room and start doing some school work and then pack work. I end up just doing that all day and then went to bed. 

Monday came around and I quickly got ready for school. I ran into the school and throughout the whole day, I couldn't manage to talk to Alex. I just shrugged it off and figured I'd try tomorrow. The same thing happened the next day. I keep trying to talk to her but stuff keeps coming up. I completely understand but I am starting to get worried that it won't happen. Anyways, throughout the week, I kept trying and failing. It's now Friday and after school today, I've gotta go spend the weekend with her in wolf form. This weekend is going to be so hard. I don't even know how I'm going to do this. 

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