Chapter 7

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"Big sis!" It's their hundredth time visiting here.

I don't know if in the original, these two did visit Charlotte too. But there's only two things that I had noticed.

They're annoying and the second one, my wounds and scars aren't healing immediately and I am feeling deep pain from the wounds whenever these two came here.

And after those times, I've been avoiding them everyday. And my daily activities would be waking early, look for food, escape from my room and hide. I climbed trees, or just go to the deep woods, and I always left traces that only I can notice so that I can come back safe.

But the longer they visit, even though I already put my distance from them.

It still hurts.

So much. Deep inside me.

"Why can't they just leave me alone?" I murmured, maybe I must confront them.

But before I could go down, I saw 3 men going to the children's direction.

It's their father, and two knights. But the other two's aura is different from a normal knight. Maybe they have higher rank? Or something? Err, whatever.

"Papa!" They ran to him, and he welcomed them warmly. They're smiling, the atmosphere there is different. What a rare sight. Behind them was an old mansion, but this group of family is quite making it nothing.

Geez. What am I talking about?

"Where is she?"

"I don't know, papa. It was always like this. And we always follow your instructions not to surprise her." You're always surprising me tho?

"Awnd pwapa, why ish shwe shcawed?" (And papa, why is she scared?)

Dion just smiled at them and didn't answer, he looked around but then— I think our eyes met or it didn't?

"Maybe she's just like that, give her time." Well, I don't have much time to play around like this.

Before they could leave, I jumped down. And unlike before that it doesn't hurt, it hurts now. My legs, my back and I think my bruises were aching. But I endured the pain so I won't look too weak, I stop my legs to tremble.

"Ah, what a pain.." I murmured then straightened my back and looked at them. I slowly approached them and they're just looking at me.

"Just get to the point, you do not need to do this kind of things bringing weird stuffs and saying that you're my family. What do you want from me?" I said firmly.

They didn't respond at first, the knight with green hair at the back was about to say something when Dion said something.

"We're just making things up for you, and they're your siblings."

How ridiculous, siblings? Are you saying that you're being like this, because we're family?

"I don't have one, nor I really did have one. Siblings? Sister? Brother? What are they? Family? We didn't even look the same, nor we share the same thing. I'm just a child raised in here, I remember Leione saying that my mom loves me very much, and that much information's enough."

I looked straight at them.

"What can these actions change? I am fine alone, so please just leave me as it is. I don't need a playmate, nor a companion. I don't need anything. So, if you won't tell me your real purpose. Please just leave."

"S-sister." Dianne touched me, but I immediately slapped her hand away out of instinct, then I felt a bit dizzy.

I caught Dion's gloomy expression, maybe because I slapped her daughter's hand?

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