Chapter 43

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Oh, where am I?

Busy streets, with those carriages that smokes on their butts, they call them cars don't they? Where is this?

Is this what that voice said? My past? Am I dreaming right now?

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. — you're both going to be parents." The man in white said, the couple gasped in joy. They're speechless as they're overwhelmed with happiness.

How lucky for that child to be wanted this bad. I hope all children does.
But reality sucks.

Through the first months they were very careful, happy and sweet as well. The baby dad is very protective and caring of his wife. Even though I couldn't clearly see their faces, but with that warm atmosphere I know for sure that they're blissful.

Even during labor, the husband didn't left her side. He almost made his car fly just to reach the hospital. What a caring husband and father as well.

When they both held the newly born child, their cries were louder than the newborn child that even the nurses and doctors are touched by that moment. It is a good life as a new life was born to this world.

Even on her everything's firsts, they're there to assist her. They're a bit clumsy but they managed to because they're determined and their love for their child made them care for her very much.

But as I said earlier, reality sure sucks. The bliss didn't last longer. After so many scenes that flashed in front of me. During the child's childhood years, she was greatly taken care of by her parents but it didn't last long.

Unfortunately, destiny will never allow such perfect moment, no? Since there's no such thing as perfect in this world. It won't be balanced if there's no grievance. What a shame.

They never get the chance to witness their daughter's adulthood, even puberty. They left the world abruptly when she was sixteen. It should've been sweet sixteen but it turned out to be bittersweet.

I walked through her blank face, no emotions at all. The happiness I felt throughout those moments were gone. It was solemn, sorrowful and full of grievance.

The child turned out great but they didn't had the chance to witness that. I looked at her hand holding a piece of paper.

'A Certificate of Appreciation for Charlie —— on winning the Writing Contest as an overall champion in—'

The first story of her that was awarded, it was entitled as 'The Beauty of a Family'.

I turned around and walk through the two white lengthy boxes. It both contained the bodies of her beloved parents. She slowly walked near them while holding, gripping hard to the certificate she was rewarded with. When earlier there wasn't any emotions in her face, but she suddenly knelt down and cried her heart out.

And instinctively, I went near her and hugged her. When I looked down I saw teardrops on the ground, and it didn't only came from her. Those tears came from my very own eyes.

I let my emotions overcome me, I closed my eyes to feel that very moment.

When I opened my eyes, I was now hugging nothing. It was cold, it was raining. The scene is now outside, on a busy road there was an incident in the middle. Police patrol are scattered around and people are sneaking to see what happened.

I slowly walked near the commotion and I heard some mumbles.

"Oh my God, wasn't she that famous writer? On the day her work was signed to be adapted into a movie became the moment of her demise."

"Life's really cruel, poor little one."

"I heard she's only in her 30's—"

"She got what she deserve. She was so arrogant."

"Lol, not much but you got a point. She won't even smile."

"I get that she's pretty but whatever."

"That's sad."

Both of that who gave their sympathizing remarks and hate remarks are everywhere.

The moment I came near at the center, I saw a lady lying down, her eyes are open and there's blood everywhere.

"I had identified the body, her name's Charlie D. Herrandin. 31 years old—"

And that moment, I had realized who that woman is. That's me, everything in this dream was about me, the me in another world, in another universe.

I didn't know the moment I died, so this was what really happened. Even the things I'm hearing from the police officers are becoming more blurry and not understandable because of the heavy rain but I know for sure that this wasn't an accident, the blood's coming from the chest, it was as if the wound was there. On the side, I noticed something peculiar. She was holding a bouquet of roses maybe it was from the ceremony she came from. But how did I really die? Was it really an accident? It doesn't seem like it to me.

I leaned down to look closely, the roses aren't red but rather it was blue it only did look red because of the blood. The petals and some of them are scattered around but in the middle of the roses, there was this familiar rose again. That black rose.

And again the urge to touch the rose was very tempting. My hand reached for that rose and the moment I touched the petals, everything went slow. My fingers went slowly down from the petals to its stem where the thorns are present.


The moment I touched the thorns, my hands bled crimson red. I thought this was only a dream? How? Why?

I trembled the moment I realized something's wrong. I stood up and the rain went back to normal. Everything went normal but I'm still holding the rose.

Lots of question are roaming in my head, I can't focus. Just then, I heard someone breathing heavily while running.

"No! I can't die! No!"

I looked around and there was me, running towards me. And there's someone, a hooded person, at the back slowly walking then suddenly stopped, the person took a bow out and positioned their self to shoot an.. arrow? But I can't see an arr— No! Why's there magic here!?

The moment the me in this world passed through me was the moment that arrow struck between mine and her heart. We both fell down, looking at each other.

"I.. told you I can't die, not again. Why are you.. even here.. you shouldn't be here.. Damn T———! I was just... I can't die.. we can't die.." and she looked at me right through my eyes.

"" but before she could finish her sentence, the hooded person struck her again in the heart with magic.

"... it's now time to go back." and it walked away.

The moment that person went away and vanished into thin air was the moment everything came back to the commotion where I was about to hold onto the black ro— wait, it isn't here anymore. I was holding it earlier.

"Get away for a moment. I'll look at her." The other officers went away and is now telling the crowd to distance themselves. Then he leaned down and checked the situation, then he slowly reached for her face. His hand was big enough to cover her face and he closes her eyes. And slowly, her hair turned white.

"I'll see you again soon."

Wait, this voice—



HELLO! HAHAHAHA, jokes on me I shouldn't be laughing since I think I've ghosted y'all for so many months 😅 Gomenasai! I'm so sorry for being absent for so long (school and paper works are becoming more and more difficult day by day coz' of my program's nature but anyways—) Here's an update for y'all, and now I'm not going to promise again to update so soon but just know that I'm still alive and is surviving, and our girl Charlotte is slowly— oh no, no spoilers for you.

So that's all, enjoy life folks! We'll be back again with lots of updates (maybe soon). Wish me luck this finals! Ciao!

- adorablepen

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