Chapter 41

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"I know I'm pretty handsome but quit staring."

When I heard that I immediately slapped my face for a moment, and why am I hot? It's chilly, there's winddd. What the hell's happening!?

"Ye— No! Who said you're pretty? Maybe a bit good looking, but father's still a lot more good looking than you!"

But I must admit if Derick's an adult now, father won't be on par with his beauty. Ah, cut it out!


Did he just chuckled? Or did I misheard it?

The point is, why is he in my room? At the window at that? It's already late at night.

"E-ehem! What are you doing here in my room? Late at night at that."

He tucked his hair behind his hair and looked at me. I flinched. W-why am I acting weird tonight?

"Nah, I just wanted to check on ya."

What the f— that's it?

Wait, why am I kinda disappointed? Am I expecting something else? No way.

"I wanted to see your dumb face before going to sleep. And it's worth it. See ya tomorrow!"


And he vanished like that. Why do people loves to tease and annoy me?

The next day, I didn't have enough sleep that's why.

"Oh my! My lady, didn't you had a good night sleep? You looked so exhausted!" Joy exclaimed.

"Maybe she was so excited, she didn't got enough sleep last night." Jane said.

"Maybe you're right." Karen agreed.

"Let's just help her prepare now." Mary said as she push the cart inside.

"I too whenever I'm excited for something I don't get enough sleep before the day blah blah blah—"

I can't heard them anymore and just let them help me prepare, I'm going to meet my teachers today.

"Please eat your breakfast while it's still hot."

Right, father insisted before to eat together but because of his early schedule. He can't make it, although he wanted to. Victor won't let it be.

"This way, my lady. It was said that your first class will be History. So the first teacher you'll be meeting is Sir Vincent Jermaine."

Karen, Jane, Mary and Joy left after tending to me. They seemed to be a lot more busier these days.

Leia opened the study room father gave to me. It was indeed spacious, so much for a one child's study room.

"Greetings, your highness. My name's Vincent Jermaine, and I'll be your teacher in History. I hope for your great cooperation." The man in uniform said as he bowed and places his hand on his chest. A way of greeting royals, it's either you kneel or put your right hand on your chest. Leia told me about that one time during tea time because many knights and maids do that.

"Yes, please take care of me Sir Vincent."

He seems to be similar to someone, someone with glasses? father's attendant? Then there was a crest on his uniform. A book and a rose.

"Oh right, I'm a researcher in the Centrial Rose Academy. Thus, this uniform serves as my identity as one. I hope you don't mind since after this I'll directly go to the academy." He explained even though I didn't ask.

"Centrial Rose Academy?"

"That's where his highness Cloud's currently studying. Now, shall we begin?"

He then signed at Leia, she nodded then left the room. I sat on my chair then a desk in front, Victor then started explaining about the Empires, the Goddesses to be exact.

It was all so similar to what Laurence told me. The difference was, today it was very detailed.

"You might have already known there are two Gods that rule this world and blessed the empires.."

Long time ago, there were only one continent in this world. The Gods, Goddess of Light Alina and God of Darkness Devlin, ruled or blessed the continent. And there's the four Spirit Kings that are under their command. They are Hanlon the Wind Spirit King, Aquafredda the Water Spirit King, Flammia tha Fire Spirit King and Hellbore the Earth Spirit King.

They started blessing humans with powers, and as time passes by, a fight for power occured. A war broke the continents into four, the Spirit Kings also bore grudges to each other so they also broke apart.

The four empires' names came from the Spirit Kings, and Goddess of Alina blessed Hanlon and Aquafredda while God Devlin blessed Flammia and Hellbore. Hanlon amd Aquafredda are allied empires but since the stronger empire rules, Hanlon empire ruled between the two. The same with Hellbore and Flammia, Hellbore is stronger. Not just spiritual power, may it be politics, economy and etc.

"Sir Vincent, can I ask a question?"

He stopped writing on the board and looked at me, he was shocked at first but smiled later on.

"Yes, you may."

"Did the two Gods also broke up? Like I mean the spirit kings did, and they both have Empires that they're looking at or taking care of. Why?"

Did they chose sides? Why? They're Gods?

"Did they also fight?"

Lovers quarrel? Maybe not.

"Well, that's quite an intriguing question. Children don't usually ask questions like yours, you're quite odd."

"Why? Where they not interested with the Gods' business?"

"It's not that, they're not just invested to this kind of topic since it's because of devotion and so on. Let's see, the answer to your question if according to the Popes it'll be.."

'To coax both sides and be able to unite again. A separation is needed so that it could be united.'

"Quite interesting if you ask me. That'll be the answer they'll tell you if you ask that question. Besides, it was also not mentioned the cause of it all but since it's the Gods we're talking about. The answer will be, everything has a reason to happen. Specially, one's existence in this world."

He picked up the chalk and started writing again.

"Besides we're all existence with different purpose. Your purpose in this world is different from mine, and different from others. Let's now continue shall we?"

Such great words. I see. But I still don't quite understand, maybe I would sooner. I guess?

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