Chapter 10

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"Sister, thank you for being alive."

I let him cried and lean on my shoulder that night. And it was the first I don't feel unpleasant towards a Froscheldt.

When I heard him not sobbing anymore, I opened up my mouth to ask.

"Why? Why thanking me?" I asked.

It was confusing. My life here is as invisible as the wind, and insignificant as a used toy.

I was abandoned when I was only an infant. A three or 5 days old infant, living alone on an abandoned mansion. If it wasn't for Leione's help, this body won't last this long.

Until now, I'm still asking my existence. Why do I exist here? Or is it even right to call it that I 'exist'? Why do Charlotte need to live to this extent?

But since I experienced worse way back on Earth, this much is nothing, I would say but living the same lives twice is quite troubling.

I ignored the fact that my life won't last long, when death will come at you, it'll come no matter what you do. But, I still want to live my life even though it's short and I'm still helpless.

And this is the other time I feel pleasant for a moment, other than the moments I had with Leione.

And mom..? I guess?

I sighed.

"Don't you wanna escape this place? Shall we runaway?" His voice's still small and cute but his words are way too serious that I can't even take it as a joke.

I smiled. He didn't answer my question.

"If there was a way, I already did that. And if I did escaped this hellhole, where would I go? I don't like uncertainties, but I'm only a child. What can I do outside? I know how cruel the outside world is, I can handle the cruel treatment here. But, I'm still not yet ready to face that cruel world outside of this walls."

I lay down as I looked up the two moons, and the sparkly little things added to the view seems like it want to add light on the view.

"I don't know what you're thankful about my life, even though I had this kind of life. Now that I think of it, I don't know if I am also as thankful as you about my existence. Even though I don't like it, I don't hate it to some extent. Since it's another chance for me." I said and closed my eyes.

I can feel the pain of my unhealed wounds on my back, of my wounds from all over my body but it won't compare to the pain 'Charlotte' felt.

That time when I read the part when she was abandoned, I also asked why mention her if she would be just abandoned? I only took the reason that it was the way the author wanted it, I can't do anything about that.

But, it all just felt wrong.

I smiled as I am having this kind of thoughts again.

Larence then lay down beside me.

"Sister, what would you like as a gift on your birthday?"

A gift huh? Oh, now that I remember it, I had a stuffed toy and a pen on my 9th birthday.

"Hmm, I don't know much about stuffs, I hate girly stuffs, sparkly things and over decorated stuffs." I reached out my hand to touch one of those sparkly little things.

"Just things you really want to have sister."

"Hmm, things I wanna have? I don't have much on my plate but maybe just a good long life is what I truly wanna have." I turned my head on the side to look at him and smile.

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