Chapter 34

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Right, I am Charlotte. After waking up again, I felt so drained. It is very sad and exhausting specially the after that incident, with Leione. I can't be like this forever, she said I should live and survive. And after meeting the other Charlotte, I can now assure this life is really mine. It is originally mine anyway.

But why can't I get up? My throat's so dry, I can only move my pupils and fingers a bit.

A moment later, a crash was heard. I looked a bit to the side. A shocked maid's there as if she's in horror after seeing me but a bit of relief.

"T-THE CHILD'S AWAKE! EVERYONE! ANYONE!" then she ran away.

W-wait.. I can't even lift a hand, how can I even not speak?

Then a lot of people came in, most of them are in white coats with their papers and medical tools to check me. Then next are people on robes, they might be mages. And they checked my body and talked about many things that is making my head hurts because it's so noisy and messy.

Everyone, I just woke up. Please respect my peace. My moment of peace please.
"Get out everyone, you can tell his majesty outside about the result." a familiar voice was heard. It was Derick, and he came near me.
The unexpected thing is, all those people that checked on me looked like they're going to face death itself before going outside.

"Here have some water." he said and offered me a glass of water.

How can I even drink when I can't even move? Then as if reading my mind, he smirked. W-what?

He took another glass with water and drank it, or did he?

Then he slowly came near me, leaned closer to me. A-am I thinking things right? Wait. What are you going to do?

W-wait, why is he getting a lot more closer? E-even though I had a mind of an adult I'm still a chi- eh? what happened?

And as if nothing happened, I'm not sitting with my back leaning with the headboard and a pillow. I looked pathetic.. I slowly looked at him, and he's smiling from ear to ear and giggled a bit.

W-what!!..? I feel my cheeks heated up out of embarrassment, so then I glared at him.

"That's good, you're having your colors back. Also the attitude, that's good. Here now drink."

And he slowly and gently guide me to drink water, and slowly I gained my voice but still raspy and low. I can now move a bit but not so much.

"What happened? I only just slept?"

"Yeah, you only did just slept but when you're asleep for almost 2 months, the whole palace was turned upside down because it was full of men with white uniform and men in robes you know." he said after ringing the bell on the side to call a maid.

Wait.. Almost 2 months? How can I sleep that long? That's absurd..

"You must be curious as to why, maybe because your body and mind's still unstable after that incident. And his majesty put his life energy to you, that'll be an additional cause."

"Fathe- He.. did?" I never thought he would, I thought he had forgotten or he doesn't know me.

"Although the fact that he still doesn't remember you up until today, he still do care a lot that even those things he did, calling doctors and mages for you, surprised him so much. He's so shock of his own actions." he said and sheugged, then after that someone knocked on the door.

A group of maids in uniform came in. A man in a bitler suit and a woman in a maid's outfit that looked like Leione leads them.

Leione.. no, she's in a safe place now. You can't tear up now, she wants you to live and be happy. I breathed heavily and looked at them.

Then after that, a man in a formal attire came in. He had white hair and strong intimidating aura around him. His blue eyes is so sharp and clear. It was so fascinating that whenever you'll look at it, winter will always come to mind.

That must be.. my father.

I was about to open my mouth to say something when he came to me and suddenly hugged me. It shocked me, not just me though, even the maids except the butler the maid beside him and Derick.

It was a tight hug, but it's gentle and warm that's so comfortable though still vague to me

"I'm sorry." That was the first thing he said after hugging me.

He didn't said anything else but there's regret, sadness and an emotion in his eyes that I can't tell, it's sp deep. And then he was the one to break the embrace. He then let the maids do their job, they cleaned my body and changed my clothes then later on brought a light meal for me.

A soup and a healthy drink for me, they let me took medicine and treatment from mages. They looked so relieved when they saw me looking fine. And also, he fed me, father did.

"Good thing you spared them. Anyways I'm out, I think you two had a lot to talk about."

And Derick got out, it's now only me and my father. I looked at him and he's still looking sad. How can this strong looking man looked like this in front of me? He's so big yet he had this soft sad expression in his face.

Unknowingly, my hand reached his face and touched and a tear left his eye.

He touched my hand that touched his face and closed his eyes. He smiled a bit.

For how many minutes or how long we were there, I didn't when did I started crying. We're both sobbing while hugging each other.

I'ven never even imagined that this day would come. That I could hug my father like this, and both of us crying in each other's arms. It felt like a very long time. At last this moment happened.


Hello everyone! Long time no update, I just clearly forgot about this gomenasaiii! Although there are times that I remember to write another chap for the story I would always forget the plot and missed the characters names, I'm so bad in remembering things aye. I also want to apologize for the names and pronouns on some chaps specially for Terrence, I first put his name as Terrace but as you know the name's really Terrence lol.

And this might not be the grand comeback yet, since finals ain't done yet. I'm a graduating student, not on college though, but there's a lot of piled works for me plus I'm doing acad service, plus I had a lot of things to do, duties and etc. so, my minds's so full I don't know what to write, writer's block. It's been months since my last update hehe sorry sorry. The ending and the other scenarios are already in my mind but sometimes I just don't know how to put them to words so I said, let's just go with the flow. Slowly.. or not? HAHAHA, anyways belated Happy Anniversary for The Protagonist's Child. Yes, you:ve read it right, it's been a year on May 4 ever since I first wrote this last year on May 4.

I can't promise that I could update lots, hopefully after these stressful days, I could go back and update the same way I did, weekly was it?

I also missed Charlotte, and her/their story so I want to get back and continue, I can't promise now but I'll surely continue the story.

That's all, have a great day mina-san!

Edit: I am so delighted, and very surprised by the reads and support y'all gave to this story. I can't really believe it, truly. I am very thankful that you reached this far even though I haven't updated for a long time, may your day and life be blessed. Thank you so much, really, I really really appreciate it specially this time that I am so stressed. Hope y'all are in good shape, stay safe! T^T
- adorablepen

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