Chapter 45

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I heard splashes of water and laughter,  that one familiar mocking laughs- it was Kira and the other maids of that abandoned mansion.

But why am I here? I'm at Hellbore so how-? Ah, I looked at my hands that are trembling with the painful memories I gained from this mansion. But I must not, maybe this is a dream- wait, right! I slept after Derick told me so.

This must be another memory. I calmed myself down by taking deep breaths and looked at the commotion in front of that very familiar room- my room.

"Oh my, my lady! How do you like your bath?" and she giggled. I ran to her and wanted to smack her but I just went through her body, right, I'm in a dream.

"Nnn.." I looked at the side and saw a little child, motionless. Is she dead? But she nust mumbled something right?

No way.

She slowly looked up to the maids and I was definitely shocked when I saw her face, her eyes are dead, her face is full of dry wounds and scratches and most of all, she's not even trembling as if she's feeling no pain nor cold.

Did I looked like this before?  Her hair were long and dry. The roots up until her shoulder are of golden color and the rest of the hair is white- like the time I always cut my hair but in here, she didn't as if no one cares.

"Good thing Leione left, it would be bothersome if she's here- I won't be able to fulfill my duties if she's here." and she threw the bucket on yhe child's head that made her fall to the ground.

Kira left with the other maids while the child was left lying down there. I thought all of them had left but a maid didn't, it was an unfamiliar one. She seemed to fidget if she would help the child in front of her that is almost devoid of life because her head is now bleeding from the impact of the bucket hitting her head.

"Nadir! Stop looking at her, you might get cursed!" Kira shouted from afar that made the maid looked back, she sighed then took a last look with the child and left. I thought she was about to help Charlotte in this memory but I guess I'm wrong.

When she went beside Kira, only then I had taken a closer look to their faces. They looked so similar to each other but Nadir is a bit much taller, as if they're siblings. If you only take a look once, surely you won't notice the similarities and differences but their eyes tells them so. In this world, the eyes hold great importance to every individual since it symbolizes what power you have and where you're from depending on the color but more importantly because eyes cannot be differed from the roots you're from, family or genes you're from. That's maybe why the Dion, Laura's husband, had identified me so clearly before because of my eyes.

Nadir have peridot eyes, that must mean she's from here in Aquafredda Empire or the Hanlon Empire where the Goddess of Light blessed her power to. I have never seen that maid before, maybe it's different since this memory is from one of the former Charlotte's lives- I mean one of my lives before but why is it different?

I stayed there looking at the child on the floor, she's not moving but I know she's not dead yet since she's still breathing. I tried helping her, but I can't since this is a dream.

An hour later, Nadir came back. She looked side to side of the corridor, put the basket on the side and suddenly, a light emitted from her hand when she gently placed it on Charlotte's head.

"I'm sorry, I can only do basic healing magic. But at least let me ease a bit of your pain." She muttered with a low voice, and after a few minutes the bleeding stopped and the child's breathing normally now.

Nadir smiled before she carried the child and went inside the room. The room was empty except by the bed, small drawer and a small cabinet, they're all old and used. She gently put the child down on the bed then took the basket outside and took out another layers of blanket.

I take back what I said when I thought she won't help and this memory is no different, she seems kind. But why? Why is she helping Charlotte? And why does it look so sincere? I don't get it, no one was able to help her other than Leione so who is she?

She only smiled while caressing her hair. She's like a big sister taking care of her little sister. Nadir stood up and walked towards the drawer so I followed her. She took something out of the drawer, and my eyes widened with what I saw.

The diary that Larence gave me, it's the same thing! No, it's like it's my diary itself but Nadir took it as if she's the owner. I was relieved by the thought that only the owner can open the diary but the moment it opened when she touched the jewel and murmured something added to the shock I felt.

What is happening?

I get closer to her so I can see a bit of the contents as she flipped it page by page and it was all about Charlotte's daily life that was written by the other person's point of view.

How was she able to open it if it's not hers? Or was she the owner? But based on the contents it had been written since Charlotte's early years and I know that handwriting, how can I not know the handwritings of the one who first taught me letters? It was Leione's handwritings.

She wrote everything about Charlotte in this memory. Nadir took a fountain pen out of her pocket and started to write.

"December 1, ***. It's been a year since you left Leione. The child has eaten but not quite well because of Kira's schemes and pranks. Charlotte's been tormented more when you left, and as we had known before that today is the day. She's going to be taken 'there'. She had reached ten years now, so come sooner. Come here soon before dawn and take her away, save her from here. Save us. If not for you, I would've also died back then, from Kira, my sister. I can't protect her much than you do, so please. Hurry. And if you ever might see this later even though I said to include me from saving, I might've been deprived of life before I could say that I love you and... I missed you so much." I read aloud when she wrote it down, I stopped when she pauses and suddenly went crying.

What the hell? Wait, if it's December 1.. it's my birthday, and turned ten according to her writing.

She wiped her tears and removed her scarf around her neck to put it on the child then suddenly a light emitted from him. She muttered a few words then her hair was still long but hear features became manly but still looked so feminine.. wait a second, she's not a she!

"Argh, that was tough. My disguise was good but it was taking up so much of my mana." She was a he! Nadir's a guy?

And based on what he had written.. Might he be Leione's lover? What is this revelation!?

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