Screwed Over..(x3) Chapter 3- Bipolar Much?

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                                                                          CH.3 -Bipolar much?

I woke up the next morning ready to get to class. First day since I’d been back; no pressure. No

pressure at how people are going to stare at you. Just…no pressure. I told Erin what happened last

night because she got sick and couldn’t come, and she wanted to be the one to beat the shit out of

Gage. I told her that’s not nice. I wanted to do it myself, but I didn’t say that part. I left his stuff in a

parking space and had a little note on his seat saying it was the least he could do. ‘Cause, well, it

was. That was my way of making us even. Hopefully he got the message.

I put on black skinny jeans and a fitted pink sweater, then left to go to my first class.

Until I got stopped in the middle of the hall.

By Gage.

Who looked more enraged than my ex boyfriend when he found out that I was using him for

transportation when my step mom took away my license. Ha, the irony of it all!

I tried to shove past him. I didn’t want to start a fight in the middle of the hall with piles and piles of

kids to witness it. It just wasn’t my thing.

Ha, who was I kidding?

He grabbed me by my shoulders and shoved me up against a wall, crushing me against it with a  

crack. I was too shocked when I saw his face to wince at the pain that shot up my arm. His face

looked beat up so bad. I mean, to me, because I saw what the bruises looked like and where they

were before he tried to apply all sorts of powders to cover them up. His lip was still busted, that’s

not something you can hide. And his eye… looked…normal?

Dammit! I was so looking forward to a busted eye, too. I mentally groaned.

His breathing was hot and heavy, crashing against my face like waves.

“You,” he said, “are the biggest bitch I’ve ever seen.” and then spat on the floor between us. God,

that’s seriously insulting. Does he not know the Guys Code to Girls? Don’t insult chicks, Dude.             

Fucking wrong. Idiot.

When he pulled away I ripped my not-possibly-broken arm away from him and slapped him across

the face. I dragged my nails deep and slow into his cheek and I swear I probably had skin

underneath my newly hot pink polished nails. Great. That just pissed me off even more. “You stupid  

bitch!” We both screamed at each other, not caring anymore about the people around us. We both

froze.  “What did you just call me?” we hissed simultaneously. We both scowled. “What the…” we

said. I clenched my fists. He was struggling to figure out what emotion to wear on his face, I could

see it in his eyes. Flashes of anger slammed through them. Anger, Hatred, and something else.

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