Screwed Over...(x3) Chapter 7- Being Drunk is SO CONFUSING...

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Hey guys! Made this one especially long for you! So yeah, I got back in the groove. No more writers block! Ripped through it. This chapter...holds a lot in it. So enjoy the ride!

Madison’s POV

“So he just…left?” Erin asked quietly, patting my back. I wasn’t even crying; the things forming in my

eyes weren’t tears of sadness. They were tears of hatred. I hated him. He had no right to do this,

regardless if I was the starter of it. He didn’t have to kiss me back. He didn’t have to lead me on. But

what’s the big deal? He’s an asshole. A heartless, obliviously assholish…asshole. I can’t even

come up with a good name he’s such a douche bag. I hate him! I don’t even know why I kissed him!

I was just…it was spur of the moment. I couldn’t… I wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t make me mad,


I wouldn’t.

I’ve known him for a little over a month. All we do is fight, and I barely even know him. I mean sure, I

know his favorite color’s orange, and that he loves steak but hates sushi. I know that his fears and

his dreams. I know he has a little patch of freckles going up his neck, something you wouldn’t see if

you weren’t up close to him.

So maybe I do know him a lot; but you know how the saying goes. Keep your friends close, and

enemies closer. He was an enemy, right? He was a good for nothing D-bag. A waste of my time.

The kiss meant nothing.

I didn’t want Gage.

I could have so much better. Someone who could make my memories dissolve, not revive.

I wiped my eyes and stood up, adjusting my skirt as I said to Erin, “Grab my keys to the bike. We’re

going out.”

“What?” Erin asked, shocked as she stood up and grabbed my keys. “I thought you wanted to…”

“We’re going out.” I repeated, cutting her off. “I need to get my mind off of it. He’s stupid. He’s a jerk. I

need someone better.” I said, more to assure myself than her. She raised her eyebrows and

blinked. “Well, okay. If that’s what you want.”

“It is.”

Oliver came with Erin and I to the local bar. It‘s called the Buzz. Do you know how unoriginal that is?

Anyways, we met a couple of guys there who really made my night. Well, I was kind of…really drunk.

But still. Erin left after a while…so here I was…alone…with boys.

God, talk about a drunken gift from God. Thank God for beer…and fake IDs.

"Come on, Madison." Jason said, nudging me playfully. I put my hand up in defeat. "Fine. Gimme a

shot!" I called to the bartender. "Coming up!" He grinned, sliding me a tiny glass of whiskey. I picked

it up. "This one's for drunken love!" I yelled. "Amen!" the boys yelled back. I poured the alcohol in my

mouth and swallowed quickly, placing the glass down on the table. I laughed. "Go alcohol!" They

raised their glasses and chanted, "This is for the buzz!" all taking a sip of their drinks.  Oliver

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