Screwed Over...(x3)-Chapter 5: The Truth

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I realize that this book goes incredibly fast, and this was supposed to happen within the middle of the book, but seeing how ONE: No one reads it, so I didnt get to have it anywhere near 'known' and TWO: This is only chapter 7(which shocks me), Im going to make this work... hopefully, I want, at least, to get to like, chapter 30 on this...and it WILL be fast, but there will be LOTS of twists.



I don't know.



No, I couldn’t actually believe that he could possibly, EVER be right. But dammit, it’s just too WEIRD.

I always get dreams like this; weird, unnerving dreams. Usually about death, though. Or fat people.

But that one… I can only describe a-

“WHAT THE FUCK?” I screeched, pointing at my screen after opening up a text from Erin that said

‘Look at this!’. Yeah, I’m looking at it. It’s a porno video.

Talk about getting off track. It wont shut off! I screeched. “Go away! Go away! Eee-”

“So this is what you do in spare time?” A voice muttered from behind me, "I never would've thought."

I screamed and whirled around, slamming right into a hard chest.

 My heart skipped a couple beats.

I dropped my phone and stared up at Gage in wide-eyed shock. This can NOT be good. I thought.

“Oh my…Oh my God…No…it wasn’t-”

“You dirty little sex monkey!” Gage burst out laughing.

I froze.

Oh God have mercy.

“No! No it wasn’t like that!” I explained. “Erin! She sent me thi-”  he cut me off.

“Sex monkey! That’s your new nickname! Sex monkey, sex monkey, sex monk- AggGod!” he yelled,

his eyes the size of melons as he fell to his knees. He began to tear up and shook his head

vigorously. “Jesus! God! Did you just kick me in my jewels?” he groaned, curling up on the floor. I

shrugged. “Iunno…like this?” I kicked him in his crotch…for the second time. He groaned louder

and put his hands up in surrender. “Stop! Stop please! Oh God my baby-maker…” he moaned. I

stopped. My lips twitched a little. “Your…baby maker?” I muttered. Seriously?

He got up cautiously-wincing, to my benefit-and gestured to his…area as he said, “My baby maker.

My love maker. My handle-of-love…my pen-”

“Okay! Okay ew. No. I don’t wanna hear it.” I pleaded, waving my hands around in emphasis. He

smirked, a humorous glint flashed in his eyes.

“Little Madison a virgin?” he asked huskily, catching me off guard. My face flushed, and it felt like my

soul was being detached from my body.

Oh God. Not this again.

“Madison?” I heard Gage call out.

Screwed over...and over...and over...Where stories live. Discover now