Screwed Over...(x3) CH.9-New Low

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Hey guys! I got bored last night and just...wrote this whole new chapter. This is about the length I'm gonna write my chapters, but you never know. PLEASE COMMENT/VOTE! Cote...Vomment...Whatever the hell you wanna call it. COVEMENT! YES. Covement.<3 Or else I'll stop writing.(:

Seriously. PLEAASEEE.   PS: Dont forget to listen to the song I put up. Goes well with the ending!               

Three days later

Madison’s POV:

“And that’s why the egg comes first.” Oliver stated boldly.

“How is that possible? The chicken needs to lay the egg before..”

“No no! Listen! Two oddly prehistoric animals combined made the egg, it was this weird alien thing,

then as it was made and recreated over and over, it turned into a chicken.”

 I shook my head. “You make no sense.”

“Its logic.”

“Its complete bogus, that’s what it is.”

“You really need more faith in me, you know it hurts when you say I’m wrong. It makes me feel like

I’m stupid or something.” he pouted. “Well, now that you mention that subject..”

“I’m not stupid!” he cut me off, “I’m just imaginative, working with my friend The Creative Process.” I

sighed and rolled my eyes at him, a small smile playing on my lips. “Your crazy.”

“Am not.”

“Are too.”




The librarian hushed us. I glared at her and scowled. “You hush! This is a library after all.” Oliver

smiled at me. I gave him a disapproving humorous look. “Look what you did you psycho.”

“HA! So I’m NOT crazy!”

“Are too.”

“Nuh uh.”

“Okay, You know what. Your not crazy. Your just.. Retarded.” I rolled my eyes again.

“Eh, I can live with that.” he leaned back in his chair with a satisfied grin painted on his face.

I grabbed my book and went to the checkout desk, handed the librarian the book and waited for her

to swipe it. She looked at the computer screen.  “You have three overdue books.” she gave me a

disapproving look. “No I don’t! I returned them three weeks ago.” I said.

“Sweetheart it says right here in the comput-” “The computers wrong, now swipe my damn book!” I

cut her off.

“No need for foul language, I can’t swipe it until I get those three books back.” she pushed the book

towards me.

“I GAVE THOSE BOOKS BACK.” I slammed my fist on the desk. Today was not a day to mess with

me, lady. The librarian flinched. “No you did not..” Oh, honey, you’re pushing my buttons now. Back

the fuck up.

“I DID. I’m so sick of you people telling me what I did or didn’t do! SWIPE THE BOOK AND LET ME

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