Better early rather than too late, right?(:

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Ookay. Hi people who actually read my book.

(I am SO down on myself about that. Three fans already though, that's a boost in my self-esteem!(:...Seriously. Not sarcastically. 3 fans. I'm siked.) I have a project for the people who actually give a rats-ass about my book!(Which..will probably be no one. EVEN IF YOU DON'T, PLEASE, BE AWESOME.)

Alright, SO. I was thinking about it, and honestly? I have no idea where I'm going with my book. NO IDEA.

No idea. I repeat. NO IDEA.


So I'm debating on throwing in a lot of twists and crap in it. Like, it could be going one direction, while going in a total OTHER direction.

Kind of like Stephen King. Like... not the scary part about it. But....the whole five stories fit into one? Like Cujo! All different stories broken down to one in the end.

Who knows. Maybe Oliver's really a vampire.

THAT WAS A JOKE. I don't write vampire/werewolf novels.

Don't expect much of anything that has to do with paranormal from me. But dont NOT expect it.(;

...I totally just lost why I'm supposed to be writing this. IM SO SORRY IM WASTING YOUR TIME.

Damn inner-babble.

So here are the things Im asking of my happy-little go-lucky readers...(I REALLY DONT KNOW HOW TO DO THIS, SO BARE WITH ME!)

1: Im debating on changing my cover. It was just kind of there to have...a cover. I don't know if I want to keep it or not. If you want, make one for me.(: (I don't really know how this works...If Im supposed to like give you my e-mail or something...or you private message me. Im more of a reader on here, not a writer. So...Yeah. x:) Message me if you feel like doing that.

2. Is there a character that's in your imagination that you wished was in a book? Like, for example, you could always wish there was a talking cat who just can't seem to shutup around people; and people look at him weird when he licks himself. I don't know. But if theres a character in your imagination you wished was in a book, Message me things about that character. Just try not to make it...fantasy. Just give me things like a name, a personality, anything about that character you want them to be like, and I'll MAYBE put them in my story.

...And maybe...if you're REALLY awesome, you can go ahead and vote and comment if you havent...and make me feel like you give a rats batooty.

With all the love and other gushy crap I can possibly feed mushy peas,


PS: Might be changing my title too. Not sure how well it fits. AND MY DESCRIPTION. So yeah, this, my friend, is still a work in progress. Everything might as well be changed except the actual story. ._." SO PRIVATE MESSAGE ME IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS.

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